Bed {Natasha x Reader}

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Third Person P.O.V.

Natasha woke in her bed with a sudden realization. She looked at the clock. 4:26AM. The urge to get the words out pulled her out of bed and down to the hall to the bedroom of her girlfriend, (Y/n). Carefully, she snuck into the dark room. (Y/n) was not a pretty sleeper. Bed head, light snores, weird positions. Still, seeing her like that, Natasha still had to get the words out right then. Even if the words scared her. Natasha lightly shook (Y/n) by the shoulder, preparing for her crankiness. "W-Wake up."

"Mmmm...what do you want?" (Y/n) snapped. "I....ummmm...." (Y/n) looks to see who it was, and although it was Natasha, she was still grouchy. "You could've chose someone else to wake up and bother, ya know? Just tell me what-" Natasha cut her off. "I love you." Even in the dark, Natasha could see (Y/n)'s eyes widen as she sat up on her elbows and moved the covers around. "...I love you too, now get into my bed right fucking now."

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