My Life, My Secrets, My Story Part 54

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Part 54

Have I made up for not posting quickly??? I thought a new twist would keep it interesting!

Can you guys look at my new poem I uploaded it's not really a poem but It's just some thoughts (hence the name) but I'd like my readers and fans to comment on it please.


Alex's POV

I heard him inhale sharply. This most likely means, there must be something wrong on his side too.

"Is the pack ok?" I asked.

"Yes, the pack's fine. But we have a problem." Dad answered.

More problems!!! Why won't the universe let me and Alex relax for once?!?!?! Is that too much to ask for, a nice relaxing day?!?!?!

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"Stephanie and John are back."

"WHAT?!?!?!?!?" I yelled.

"Ouch!! Son, relax! They need to talk with you about something. They say it's only for you and Alex." Dad explained.

"I'm coming." I said, hanging up.

I quickly got in the car, and drove as fast as I could to the pack house. As I got closer, I noticed it was locked up. They'd done a good job of not leaving the house. Alex would have been happy to see that.

Alex. Where was she? I tried one more time, to send a thought to her, but it didn't work. I felt this hole in my chest, empty, from not being with her. I needed Alex, after you mark your mate the need for them becomes even more powerful. I walked to the door and knocked 8 times, the alpha and female alpha knock. Whenever we would lock down the house, if a pack member wanted to get in, they'd knocked 5 times and, beta and female beta would knock 7 times, omega and female omega would knock 6 times. It's a code kind of. To let the pack know that we are part of the Moon Pack.

Zane opened the door, like he should have. Zane, being the most wisest, and a wizard as we all now know, is suppose to open the door, that way if we're not who we say we are then he'll know what to do to the outsider.

I walked in, and immediately saw mom and dad. I walked over to them, feeling the need for Alex becoming slightly unbearable.

"Mom, Dad, I need to talk to you." I said.

"Let's go to our dorm, sweetie. We'll talk there." Mom said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

When we got to our dorm, we weren't the only ones there. Brendan, Bells, Oscar, Olive, Josh, Andrew, Jack, Zane, Max, Matt, Alice, Kate and Carrie were all there. They were sitting the living room, with the teens on the floor, and the adults on the couches. Mom and dad went to take a seat with the adults.

"Dad, did you tell them?" I asked him.

"No, I just got them all together, because I knew you'd need all of us to help you." he said, knowing me so well.

"Thanks." I said, and nodded in a 'welcome' kinda way.

I sucked in a deep breath, and held it for a while, and I blew out, in a sigh.

"Alec, what's wrong?" Mom asked, worried.

"Alex is gone." I stated, quickly and bluntly.

As soon as the words left my mouth, the room turned into chaos. Everyone started talking at once, all either panicked, worried, sad, angry, confused or showing no emotion at all.

"SHUT UP!!!!!!!" I yelled, as loud as I could.

The whole house shook, as everyone got quiet immediately.

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