My VIP Tickets

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"Hey, before you go..."

"What's this?"

"VIP tickets!""

"VIP tickets... What for?"

"I'd figured you might wanna give one to your crush..."

"Wu- ...Are you sure?"

"I'm sure... I think she would like to be at a concert with her favorite artist..."


Thats how the interaction went between Abel and I...

Y/n was in his own train of thought as of now as he was on his chair with his arms spread out on the table, along with a girl who laid on the couch, bored as ever.

He didn't feel like playing music as of now, trying to rest up for the big day that was taking place in a few days.

A large concert in Japan that he has to attend to as his alter ego, a lot on his plate for him as he has to review the list of songs his agent had given him.

Nagatoro was still seen on the couch inside the clubroom, she was playing a small game while actually listening to him singing a song from the studio earlier last week.

Between the two, she liked "Take You Dancing" for some reason. She listened to it more than. "Without You" as it stays on repeat.

She starts to smile a bit, she looks over at the boy who caught him staring and prop her head on the arm test. "For a loner loser, you have some experience in creating a real song!~"

All Y/n could do was try and scoff off the insult, focus on the positive. "Th-Thanks..." he says.

"I wonder what else experiences Senpai has that he hasn't told me!~" she winks at him, Y/n grows red and looks back down at the table in front of him.

His mind tries to focus on what Abel had told him before with the tickets.

It was whether it was a fine idea for him to give Nagatoro a pair of tickets or he should just give her one.

Only one way to find out...

A hand then grabs his bag from the ground, he places it on the table and digs through it. He checks every zipper and every pocket his bag could offer, no sign of it until...

Damn... Forgot that the tickets are in my locker...

Getting up from his seat with a squeak sound from the legs of the chair, it grabs someone's attention. She turns her head to him with a curious look. "Where are you going, senpai?"

He walked to the door and waved her off. "I'll be back in a bit, Nagatoro... I need to grab something from my locker." He says as Nagatoro nods and let him off with a "Don't be too long, senpai!~"

Y/n simply nods back with a smile as he closes the door behind him and heads off to the shoe locker where it was best hidden. He hops down the flight of stairs and makes it to the ground level where he takes his time walking to his assigned locker and punches the code in to reveal his shoes holding a pair of tickets.

At first he was just gonna grab one but reluctantly grabs the second one, it would be a waste of a ticket if he kept it to himself. He closes the shoe locker and heads back to the same route he went.

Not before, "What do you wanna do today?"

"I dunno... Maybe the pool? See some bikinis?"

He hears a pair of voices he dreads hearing, he glances down at the pair of tickets in his hands and predicts the next problem he would face if he just stands there.

Nagatoro Hayase x Singer Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now