Rwby Vol. 8 Part 13

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--Your POV--

We walk toward the two Pennys, curious as to what could've happen to her and what might've changed after Ambrosius' magic.

Ruby: Penny...?

The one to our left opened her eyes and looked at her hands.

She's human now, so, she should be feeling warmth, cold, touch, actually breathing and stuff, right? | Frae: One would assume.

Meanwhile, on our right, the robotic Penny was twitching and writhing as it completes its termination. Human Penny looked in horror but Ruby snapped her out of it as she places her hand on her shoulder.

Ruby: Are you...okay?

The new girl looked at her hand before engulfing Petals in a hug.

Penny: Do hugs always make you feel this warm inside? | Ruby: *smiles as she returns the hug* Yes. | Penny: Woooooow...more!

She then hugged Weiss.

Weiss: We should probably make sure our theory works. (The rest of us walked by their side and Penny's eye glowed, later giving us hugs as well) And start the evacuation.

With the Staff in her hands, Weiss summoned Ambrosius.

Ambrosius: Ah! Free to create and...oh, its you guys again... | Weiss: We're not done with you yet. | Ambrosius: *crosses his arms* Ugh, fine. | Jack: Let's try the quick version, can you make a bunch of doorways in Atlas that open at a single stop in Vacuo? | Ambrosius: Sure! I'll just need coordinates and specs for each door, an explanation for bending space and time to account for the much greater traffic on one side, and the single point of exit on the other.

Weiss: Okay that's about what we expected. So, we need to funnel everybody through a central location first. | Ambrosius: You're going to have to tell me more about this central location. For starters, uh, where is it? | Y/n: Here, a place like these Vaults. Wherever the are, they aren't a part of Remnant. Only accessible if you know the right way in. Seems like a safe enough place for thousands of refugees.

Ambrosius: You are either smart! Or much more foolish that you realize... (sighs) I'm going to need reference? | Weiss: Oh, we've got one.

She shows several maps that correlate to key locations around Atlas and Mantle. With a smile, Ambrosius gets to work and later opened up to, I think, a portal just outside the Vault.

Weiss: People enter from Atlas and Mantle on one side and leave on the other side, with a one-way ticket to Vacuo. | Ambrosius: Well, everything appears to be in order. You were quite thorough, disappointingly so. | Weiss: So, it's done? | Ambrosius: *gestures "go away"* Yeah...

After that, we turn and head towards the portal as Penny's old body crumble into blue dust.

Ambrosius: Oh! And one last point of clarification about this central location of yours, do not. fall...okaayy, and with that dire warning. (he bows and poofs into blue smoke)

Weiss: *gives Penny the Staff* We did it! | Penny: What now...? | Ruby: We go to Vacuo, all of us, and hope that we've thought of everything...

We go through the portal and endure the sudden flashing of light that appears to come from stars. On the other side, we can see the dozen of portals Ambrosius made as people are already starting to go through via the lights hitting said portals before someone comes out.

I see someone waving at us in the corner of my eye and it was Fiona. Jaune's voice rang out from the other direction that is accompanied with Nora and William. 

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