Chapter 32 : Friendly competition

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"Nice! Great job everyone!" Ray called out, standing up from her chair to high-five her entire team. "Also, don't be toxic please."

The bedwars tournament, probably the most anticipated event of the 2-day convention. Twitch had really gone all out for it: creating a total of 16 booths with high-end rented PCs to house a total of 64 players.

There was a team in each booth, all led by notable bedwars streamers. Not just bedwars, a lot of the dream SMP members were asked to do the event as well making it's popularity surge. Out of 300 people who signed up for the event, only a lucky 48 were chosen to play.

Ray's team had been one of the first to be assembled. She was extremely lucky, getting teammates who all knew what they were doing in the game:

- A 12 year old boy named Adam who was extremely friendly and almost passed out when he met Ray. He was their bed defender.
- Arthur, who was 17 and knew how to god bridge, was extremely good at getting beds and he was rushing with Ray. He had been shy at first, but quickly opened up to his team.
- And Harry, a 16 year old kid from Korea who's English was very limited and he didn't speak much, but always got his points across. He was their collector.

With a group like that, their opposition went down like flies. It's not that any of them were the best, just their teamwork and strategically selected positions really helped their gameplay.

Just now, they had won their semi-finals against Wallibear's team and were to compete in the finals. Ray was beyond excited.

"We've been doing so freaking well, so let's keep it up! Only one more game and we'll win this damn tournament!" Ray exclaimed once again, receiving excited encouragement as a response from her team.

Suddenly the door to their booth opened, letting in the blinding light from outside.

"Damn, I told you to not be so hard on me." Wallibear came in with a slight laugh, walking up to Ray. "Gg tho. You guys are definitely winning this."

"Sorry that this is how our first encounter went." Ray chuckled. "But sorry, we're just too good."

"I don't doubt it." The boy responded as his hand gripped onto the back of her gaming chair and he stared at her screen. "Good luck with the finals. Though I doubt you'll need any anyways."

"What do you mean?"
"You're going up against Tommy's team."

Ray's eyebrows raised in surprise, hands slipping off the keyboard as she had previously just been messing around in the Hypixel lobby.

"Huh? His team made it through?"
"Yeah, apparently. I was surprised he beat Manhal in the semis. Its probably because his team was first to be filled, and apparently its made up of some really good players."

"Yeah, my older brother Felix is playing on his team. He's super good, he's taught me all I know about it." Adam spoke out shyly.

"They're going down either way. If we target Tommy, the team is just going to spend all their time defending him and it'll be an easy dub." Arthur added, voice full of confidence.

"Remember, targeting the creator is not allowed." Ray reminded him, causing the boy to settle back in his chair in slight disappointment. "Even if Tommy doesn't play bedwars much, he's not clueless. Their team must be pretty good if they won against Manhal afterall."

"Yeah..." Wallibear muttered, then patted the girl's shoulder. "Either way, good luck and it was nice meeting you in real life. Let's grab some dinner or something with the bedwars squad later. You can reccomend a place since you're British afrterall."

"Being British doesn't mean I know restaurants in London, I don't even live here. But deal, that sounds like lost of fun." Ray smiled, before waving as Wallibear left their booth.

"Game start." Harry spoke, causing Ray to whip her head towards her screen and breathe out a sigh of relief upon realizing that he just meant the pre-game lobby.

She quickly scanned her opposition, and even just by their skins she could tell they were good. Eventually she managed to find Tommy's skin, who was being shifted at and waved at by Harry from their team, as well as Adam who then went on to greet his brother.

Ray decided to walk up to Tommy. His character immediately turned to face her and they stared at each other for a while, before Ray smirked, and decided to shift and wave at him a couple of times. This clearly took him a bit by surprise, but he returned the gesture just as energetically as her.

"Her Nyx, don't get too friendly with the enemy." Arthur warned her from the PC right beside her.

"Don't be childish. It's just a friendly competition. You should also try being nice, maybe then they won't try hard as much." She smiled, before getting to her keyboard again.

Good luck
She typed in chat, before getting a quick response from Tommy.


Aww look at em adult ingredients

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Aww look at em adult ingredients

What the fuck I wrote "adulting" and it corrected to that

Um anyways

How is everyone? Long time no see

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