Chapter 45

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When (Y/n) awoke, she was in a bacta tank, the oxygen being fed to her through a mask. She looked through the glass to see Obi-Wan's worried face, his hand resting just in front of his chin. he always did that when he was worried.

She felt herself get lifted, and blacked out once more, only to wake up on one of the beds in the medical bay of the Temple. Her own room, of course. Next to her, she saw a sleeping Obi-Wan, and was reminded of when she awoke to his younger face after the battle of Geonosis. Smiling lightly, she groaned as she tried to sit up, waking the man next to her.

"(Y/n)! Thank the Force you're all right." he said, getting up to sit down next to her on her bed, holding her hand.

"I'm okay, Obi-Wan." she said, but then remembered what happened before she fell unconscious. "R3! Is he okay?!" she asked hurriedly.

"Your droid is fine, (Y/n). He's getting fixed up as we speak." he said, soothing her. She sighed in relief, not knowing what she would do if she lost R3-E7. He was like her emotional support astrodroid.

"Thank Valar." she mumbled. "What happened?"

"Someone bombed the Jedi Temple." Obi-Wan said, making her eyes widen in shock. That couldn't have been possible. It shouldn't be. "You're lucky to be alive, my love. There were many others that... didn't make it."

"How many?" she asked quietly, her eyes sad.

"We don't know quite yet... but Anakin and Ahsoka are hunting down this attacker as we speak. There was a meeting while you were asleep, and... there is a possibility that it was a Jedi that planted the explosive." Obi-Wan explained, although did not like to think that it was someone within that caused (Y/n) harm.

"A Jedi? I can't believe that." she said.

"It could be anyone in the Temple. Ahsoka and Anakin were the only two not here during the attack, so they're ruled out. But, we cannot exclude that it may have been an inside job." Obi-Wan explained, seeing her disbelief.

"Well, I hope they find whoever did it. There are so many who could've been alive right now that aren't." she said.

Obi-Wan brushed a piece of her hair aside and behind her ear. "I'm just glad that you're safe." he said. He looked around to see if there were any cameras, and when he saw there were none, he leaned in to kiss her. He'd been wanting to since he got word that she was injured. He savored her lips against his own.

"Hey, Master Galad, I was sent there to-"

A voice broke them apart, and they looked to see the shocked face of Ahsoka, her eyes wide as she stared at the two of them. She had seen them kissing. Both Obi-Wan and (Y/n) looked at the young Togruta girl, slightly scared for what could happen.

"M-Master Kenobi... Master Galad..." Ahsoka started, not sure what to make of this.

"Ahsoka... please listen." (Y/n) started, Obi-Wan pulling away from her. Ahsoka walked forward a bit more towards the master. "Please, don't tell anyone about this."

"Is that a regular thing, or..." she asked, smirking at the two of them.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I promise I won't tell anyone." she said, and they both knew her to be a trustworthy girl. "Does Anakin know?"

"I-" Obi-Wan started, wanting to stop this conversation, but was interrupted by his other half.

"Yes, Anakin knows."

"Ah." she stated shortly. "Well, I came in here to interview you on the bombing, but..."

"Well, then, let's get to that, shall we?" Obi-Wan stated, looking a little on edge. If too many people found out, then the Council would soon know. Two people was already enough, now Ahsoka? "I'll leave you to it." he said, and walked out of the room.

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