i ‣ The Queen of New Orleans

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May 23rd, 2009

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May 23rd, 2009


The soil was soft under her claws. The wind whistled through the trees and the smell of pine and tree-sap still hung in the night air. Running freely through the forest was one of the most amazing feelings in the world. It allowed the were-coyote to let go of everything and focus on her senses and the nature around her.

Small critters could be heard rustling in the fallen leaves while the moon shone down, illuminating her grey coat. Running through the woods of Mystical Falls was the best part of her visits.

Every few years she would return to Mystic falls to check on the doppelgänger. She had started this tradition as soon as she had found out about the girl's birth. Watching as she grew into the innocence that could only be found in humans, and hoping to god the girl didn't turn out like her predecessor.

Her ears perked up when she heard the snap of a twig nearby. Her paws skidded to a stop and twirled her body around. Hunching down to a crawl she peeked through the leaves of a bush, careful to keep herself hidden.

Her eyes scanned the shadows and stopped as a small rabbit hopped from behind a tree. Lowering her front and showing off her gleaming canines she got ready to pounce on the unsuspecting animal.

Just outside the line of the forest, a car swerved on the road and crashed into the water under Wickery Bridge. Her head swung in the direction of the crash. Looking back, the rabbit was spooked by her movement and had disappeared into the foliage. Growling in annoyance, she sprinted towards the bridge.

Coming to a stop she watched as a car fully submerged under water. Making a quick decision she bounded into the water and swam after the fast-sinking car.

What she found was a man ripping away at the seatbelt from the front with a woman who had already passed out next to him. In the back a dark haired girl was passed out as well.

She latched on the door handle with her teeth and ripped it off its hinges. The man's head swung to her and his eyes widened in panic, he started struggling faster.

She swam up to him and starting ripping at his seatbelt as well, looking confused he slowly pushed her away and pointed to the brown-haired girl. She whined slightly but he just pushed her to the back seat.

Ripping off the girl's seatbelt she tugged at the collar of her shirt and pulled her from the car, sending one last fleeting look to the man who had now stopped struggling. Reaching the surface, she pulled the girl to the shore and shook the water out her fur. She looked towards the girl she'd just saved and froze on the spot.

Elena Gilbert.

There was a whip of wind behind her and she turned to see a brown haired man watching her cautiously. A face she hadn't seen for a couple decades now

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