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I took the car to the building I was assigned to. Time for work, honestly not that happy about it. I sighed as I made my way through the front door to the office. Everything looked the same. Same cudes, same looking people. But this isn't like a long time ago. Now, I'm in charge. Now, no one's going to use me as their pawn.

"Hello, Mr. Hojo. I'll be your assistant James Smith." I looked at the small man in front of me.

"Hello, James." It felt weird calling strangers by their first name.

"You need anything, sir?" He asked as I sat in front of my desk.

"No, thank you." He nodded and left.

I sighed, time for my "new life". Wish it were less like what I used to do. Well no use now, just got to "go with the flow".

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