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Are they real?
Or are they just stories?
Stories made up, out of thin air.
But, in every lie is a shimmer of truth.
So we are told
As are we told that the world is supposed to be brighter.
"Colorful" they call it.
I've read all about colors, learnt that all we can see is black, white and numerous shades of grey.
Books tell me that one night a year, you can figure out who your soulmate is.
When you touch them, only that night, you should be able to see the colours.
Seems like bullshit to me.
Anyways, that night is tomorrow.
Hogwarts teachers have arranged a feast
To "Celebrate everyone who has and who will find their soulmate."
Bullshit, again.
Barely any, actually scratch that, none of the married couples I know are soulmates.
There's basically no point in trying to find them.
They're probably on the other side of the earth anyways.
Despite that, tomorrow kids are going to literally touch everyone.
Its going to suck.
I hate being touched in general.
Not that anyone would think I'm their soulmate.

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