Ganyu Advise

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After the last incident, Xiao little crush on Venti grow more and more.... He can't help but accept the fact that he is completely head over heels to him.

'I should at least ask some advise right?' xiao thought.

'Who.... Ganyu? I mean he's also kind of and Adeptus and look like she have some experience in this sort of thing...' Xiao made his decision.

Without waiting any longer, Xiao rush in search for Ganyu. The sun is setting reflecting a beautiful Sunshine onto the sea, that's when Xiao found Ganyu sitting on a rock gazing over some flowers.

"Oh? It's rare seeing you here" Ganyu look at Xiao that took a seat beside her on the grass.

Gazing at the sunset Xiao let out the things inside his heart "I...have some questions"

Ganyu chuckle "what makes you thing I could answer that?" She wasn't expecting someone like him who once teaches her would come and ask about something.

Xiao blush and hides his face "I just thought you would have experience in this sort of stuff..."

This make Ganyu more curious about it "oh? Really? Tell me then"

Covering his red face and hope with all his might Ganyu won't laugh at him "do you think.... Adeptus.. Can.. L-love?"

Ganyu thought that if she's drinking tea right now, it would burst out of her mouth in a instance. "*Cough* who's the lucky one?" Ganyu calmed herself down, thanks the archon that Xiao is covering his face and don't see a thing.

"He's...amazing, beautiful and his music.... It heals me and make me feel all warm and tingly inside?" Xiao smile slowly remembering Venti.

"Oh I get it, you're lovesick. Ask for the previous question, ofc you can. At the end of the day, were all living beings... We all deserve to love and be loved, no matter if it's humans, animals, even Adeptus" Ganyu try all her best to keep cool and try to not laugh.

Xiao slowly lift up his face looking at Ganyu "But slaughtering the evil is all I've been doing for the past centuries, I don't know how to... Love him"

Ganyu smile at his childish behaviour " but you're already loving him! All you need to do now is show it. Show that you care, that you love spending time with him"

"Show it? How?"

"The simplest thing! Maybe a smile every time he show so something... Maybe a little gift or even a hug"

Xiao gaze at the sunset again 'can I do it?' he thought... "Ofc... That's easy" he say smiling.

Ganyu felt like she accomplished something big "nice to hear that" she said.

"Thank you" Xiao took his leave.

"Anytime" Ganyu smile.
'even the most feared Adeptus found this world is full of surprises'

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