The Egg

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Sun shone through the curtained windows and into my room. My eyelids were filled with a warm glow. I opened my eyes, squinting at the sudden brightness. I leaned up and yawned and stretched.

Another day without the burden of Dream and the tyranny of war. I stood up and looked in the mirror. My hair was no longer what it used to be. It reminded me too much of my captivity. And the white streaks just weren't a good look. Instead, I had dyed my hair back to its original shade of h/c. I smiled. Life was finally enjoyable. I wasn't alone, and I no longer heard from the voices. Hopefully forever.

I slipped a basic t-shirt on and some jeans. I heard running down the hallway towards my room. Bad ran past my doorway and then proceeded to back up into view.

"Y/N!" He said.

He clearly wanted to say something of importance. I could tell by his excitement. He wore a black hoodie with a red hood over his head. He had a checkered bandana tied around his neck as well as a pair of glasses on.

"Hey Halo, how's the renovation coming?" I asked.

"Its going great, you're gonna wanna see what we found though!" BBH said.

"Okay, but first let me at least put on some shoes." I said laughing.

"No time, come on." He said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of my room. He practically dragged me downstairs and to the stairwell of the underground renovations.

"Okay okay, I can walk you know." I said.

He stopped dragging me, but still held onto my hand leading me down the stairs and into the massive room that he had worked to clear out. He put his other free hand over my eyes, blindfolding me.

"What are you doing Bad?" I asked laughing. But something felt strange. I couldn't place it.

"Come on you muffin." He said. "This way."

The cold cobblestone beneath my feet was smooth, and the underground room had a cool temperature. As we neared closer to whatever it was Bad was taking me to, I felt something snag against my pant leg. It caused me to trip, but BBH caught me midfall.

"Sorry about that." He said. "One second, NO PEEKING!"

Below me, the thing around my ankle gently released. Whatever it was, Bad insisted on being delicate with it. We walked a little further.

"Okay, now look." BBH said, moving his hand away from my eyes. I adjusted my vision to the dark corner of the room to see a massive red structure towering above me. It was more than twice my size. It had vines that spread out in all directions, although they were relatively small in size.

"Cool, isn't it?" BBH asked me, expectantly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, I think it's some sort of plant, or egg." He said. "I really like it though. What do you think?"

Something about this thing was off. It's like it was communicating. I could feel it, but I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't tell what it was saying to me. It gave me bad vibes, but maybe I was just paranoid.

For some odd reason, BBH and this egg reminded me of our royal botanist back at my castle. She had red curly hair and bright green eyes that lit up when she got to spend time with herbs and plants. I never truly understood the love for nature at the extent she expressed, but I respected it. She was one of my best friends at the castle. I missed her.

"Soooo?" Bad prodded.

"Well, I can't say I particularly love it." I began. "But I used to have a friend that had a great love for nature and plants, and I'm sure if she were here, she would enjoy this 'egg' thing. So I can't be against it."

BBH ran and embraced me in a hug, squeezing me and lifting me up and in a circle. He sat me back down, hands on my shoulders, smiling.

"I just knew you'd understand." He said gleefully. "Sapnap and some others think it's weird and that we should destroy it."

"I don't see how a plant could do any real harm." I said.

"Exactly." BBH responded. "Do you still talk to your friend? I'd love to show them too."

"Um, well, not exactly." I said.

"That's okay." BBH responded. "Maybe I'll meet them some day."

"Maybe..." I responded, trailing off. I really wouldn't want that. I couldn't imagine BBH no longer here.

"See, it's down here." A voice came from the stairwell.

Into the room came Dream and Eret, followed by someone else I had never really seen before.

"Sam what are you on about?" Dream asked.

"Just look." The one named Sam responded.

The three filed over to where Bad and I stood.

"What the heck is this thing?" Dream asked no one in particular. Eret tripped on a vine that snagged his ankle.

"Gross," Eret said. He lifted his axe to cut the vine off of himself.

"NO!" BBH yelled.

Eret stopped mid swing to look at Bad, as did everyone else.

"You'll hurt it." BBH responded.

"" Sam said. "It isn't a living thing, it can't feel pain."

"It's kind of weird, maybe we should get rid of it." Eret said.

"No!" Bad said. "It's not bothering anyone. And besides, it's on my property, and I like it."

"What about the vines growing all over the place outside?" Dream asked.

"I wasn't aware." BBH said. "But once again, they aren't hurting anyone."

"I don't know..." Sam said. "I don't like it."

"What do you think, y/n?" Dream asked.

I turned around, surprised at the confrontation.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I remarked.

"Just answer the question." Dream said, annoyed.

"Honestly, I'm not for it. But like BBH said, it's not bothering anyone. I'm neutral here. But I think it's fine."

Oh how wrong I was.

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