Chapter 1: The Drastic Change

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"COME ON! Why do you always disturb my sleep?" I grunted while facing the chocolate-haired man in front of me. I slammed my palm at the table and snorted at him. "What do you need this time?"

"Hey, Gab. Calm down, I am here to thank you for your Air-condition idea. Today with the help of a magician, I've managed to create a magnificent creation!" The man happily replied to me.

I rubbed my chin when I heard his statement. If this man is telling the truth then I can sleep well at night! "You're not bluffing right?" I asked with an excited smile on my face. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes! I'm telling the truth! If you want to see it just come on my hardware this afternoon" 

AH! Finally! I could sleep at ease! No hot temperature can stop me from this! HAHA!

"Sister. You're laughing like a maniac" My little brother told me as he entered our house, his face seemed to be blushing, I wonder why? Is it really hot outside? 

"Riel, I'll be shocked if she didn't laugh like that," A white-haired woman said. "Good Morning. Gabriella. Looks like Marcelino's new invention made you happy today," The woman is behind my brother's back.

Her beauty is really enchanting.

"Indeed! If you only know how that invention works, I'm sure you'll be delighted! Maria! His invention can answer our temperature crisis! This invention could relieve us from the sun's wrath!"

"W-wait! Are you sure? This invention must be incredible!" Maria squeaked in excitement!

Maria Eleonor.

I never thought that she'll be able to transform into this. 

I met her in the town of Ibanez kingdom and brought her here as my friend.

My little brother only shrugs his shoulder, ah! My brother is such a serious man. When he was just a kid he is always sweet to his big sister, but now he is a grown-up man who acts like a cool handsome bachelor. 

"Do you want to come with me, Maria?" I asked. She quickly nodded her head as an answer. "That's good we will also buy some food since our stock here is lacking now. Brother, do you want me to buy something for you?" I asked as I winked at him.


"Ah! Maria, could you fetch the milk that I ordered from Melisa? I'm too lazy to get up now" I said lazily as I placed my two legs at the table. "Please!"

"Get your legs off the table! Can't you see that Marcelino is here?" My brother shouted at me. "Sister! When will you stop being childish? You don't act like a woman at all! And stop commanding Maria like that!"

"Hey! My legs aren't exposed! calm down alright?" I said as I rolled my eyes. "Hmmph! Where's my sweet little brother? You aren't like that when we are only a kid!"

"Childish" He frowned.

"Oh~ At least I am not a boyfriend who can't propose to the woman that I love. When will you marry Maria?" I asked in a teasing tone. I noticed the blush on Gabriel's face. I laughed hard when he remained in silence.

"Actually... Gabriella. Your brother Gabriel proposed to me this a while ago."


I almost fell on my seat when Maria Eleonor told me that. "I think I need to clean my ears. Why did you say? This brat proposed to you?" I gave a glance at my brother. "Brother? Is this true? Are you not lying Maria Eleonor?"

I almost ran out of oxygen when my Bother nodded his head. 

Maria went to my brother's seat and holds his hand. She showed me her ring as she smiles brightly at me. "Gabriella. I learned how to love myself and now... I fell in love with your brother. Gabriella, I want to marry your brother. Will you give us your blessing?"

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