53: The Holidays Pt. 3

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Its a day away from Christmas Eve.

Jennie: Jungkook please. You cant cancel.

Jungkook: Its too much work.. And I wont leave my hyungs with all of this.

Jennie: Jungkook. Y/n needs her christmas miracle for christmas.

Jungkook: Believe me I want to be with
y/n for christmas but You know how I am about my work..

Jennie: Yeah I do. So cut your bullshit and get your ass down here!

Jungkook: .....I'll try.

Jennie: Thats not good enough but its gonna have to work. Ok bye y/n coming. Get down here!

She hung up before he could respond.

Jungkook sighed. He started on his work again.

He continued his work till 2am.

Then he went to sleep doing his work.

Next day


I just showered and went into the kitchen. Jennie was there cookint breakfast.

Jennie: Good morning!

Y/n: Morning. Merry Christmas eve..

Jennie: Merry Christmas eve! Go on and sit. Breakfast will be ready in a second.

I sat in my usual spot at the table. After a few minutes she put a plate of food infront of me.

Y/n: Thanks Jennie.

Jennie: Its no problem at all. Go on and eat.

We both ate.. She rushed to clean before I could.

Jennie: go on. Watch Tv! You do you wanna open some of your gifts?

Y/n: I think I'll open some of my gifts. I went by the tree and sat in a chair. Soon jennie joined me.

I opend the first one she handed me. They were baby clothes.

Y/n: So Cute! Thank you jennie!

Jennie: open this one!!!

She shoved another box in my lap. I opened it and there was a large blanket inside. It was so soft. It had Jay Name on it. His full name.

Y/n: I love it.. Thank you so much.

Jennie: Its really nothing at all...

I handed jennie the small box with her name on it. She opened it and screamed.

Jennie: Oh ny god thanks you! I needed a new phone. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Y/n: Your welcome... Here you go.

I handed her another box. She opened it and gasped.

Jennie: I'm wearing this outfit tomorrow...

She got up off the floor and hugged me tightly.

Jennie: This is such a blessing having you where. You dont even know..

I Hugged her back.

Later that night

I couldn't sleep.. I'm making myself some hot chocolate now. I got the mashmellows and extra I like in my hot chocolate.

When it was steaming out from a mug. I put all extras in and put them back where I found them.

I let it cool off some then started drinking it slowly.

I miss my jungkook.

When I see him I'm going to slap sense into him for doing this.. I know he's doing it for my safety but he wont even return my calls and text.

When i finished my hot chocolate I went back to my room and tried sleeping again.

Later the next day

We already opened up all the presents under the tree. I'm cooking Christmas dinner.

Jennie went out to go do something. I forgot what she said. She left out in a rush after she got a phone call.

After a minute or so I felt warm hands sneak around me...

I slapped the hands off and turned around pointing a gun at them.

It was......my husband? Jungkook!?

He slapped the gun out my hand and pressed me against the couter with his hands on mine. Preventing me from moving..

Jungkook: Hey baby girl...

Ok ok thats all for this chapter.

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