Chapter 125

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(A/N: Thanks for over 10,000 votes guys! I'm glad you guys are enjoying this story and I hope you enjoy this chapter. XxD)


The demonic energy corrupting the ley lines and sending warlock magic haywire was still happening, Catarina having accidentally killed a hospital patient because of a shock wave.

Serena, Alec and Magnus however had come up with a plan to use the angelic core in the Institute to send a burst of angelic energy across the ley lines and put an end to the demonic corruption, needing Magnus to temporarily divert a ley line towards the institute and the core as no ley lines were near them.

Raj, however, had other ideas. If another shockwave came while Magnus was using his magic on the ley lines the angelic core of the Institute would be exposed to the demonic corruption and the Institute would be destroyed. He suggested that they quarantine warlocks outside the city. And that sent everyone into an argument.

"ENOUGH!" Serena yelled and a white wave pulsated through the room as they calmed, and she turned on Raj.

"Our job is to keep people safe, including the Downworlders. This is the best plan to do that with the least amount of risk. And we are under siege by a greater demon and it's our job to fix this. Now, this is happening, whether you like it or not, so I suggest you get over your prejudices and think about all the lives at risk if we don't do this," Serena chastised, looking at everyone but mainly at Raj.

"Now, evacuate the Institute, but all essential personal stay behind. Dismissed!"


"I'll deal with you later," Serena spat as she watched the blood drip down Raj's face. He had defied orders, convincing a group to stay behind at the Institute as they refused to let them destroy the Institute to save a couple Downworlders, and had locked anyone out of the system from activating the angelic core.

"For your sake, you better hope that they make it out alive," she threatened Raj before sending one last punch to his face and heading for the core.

So, while Alec tried to manually activate it by taking apart the controls behind the wall, Serena lent Magnus her strength as he tried to hold the ley lines in place while Alec activated the core.

Serena felt the jolt of angelic energy pulse through her as it washed over the ley lines, freeing them from demonic influence, and she and Magnus collapsed as Alec rushed over.

"You both ok?" Alec asked worriedly.

"I need a burger," she whined into Alec's shoulder and he sighed in relief.

They were ok.

They did it. 

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