Chapter one - Where it all started

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George woke up with a smile for the first time in years. Today was the day! He was finally twenty! No longer would he be locked up in this prison, aka the castle. The King, George's father, had promised that on George's 20th birthday he could leave the castle grounds and visit the town.

George was excited, nervous, and a little scared. He could barely sleep the night before. He spent the whole night imagining what it was going to be like. George had never left the castle once in all his twenty years of life. He was the heir to the throne, so his father was very protective of him. At least that's what the people believed. But in reality, the King hated George and this was his strange form of punishment. Why did the King hate his one and only son you may ask? Well, the King blamed George for his wife's death. The late Queen died in labour. And somehow it was George's fault for being born? As if he had a choice in the matter.

George always wondered what having a mother would have been like, how would his life be different? Would his father still hate him? Would his mother love him? Was George even loveable?

No one had ever said the words "I love you" to George before. He wondered what that would feel like. He had only ever had one friend before, but they were viciously murdered. And after that, he didn't dare try and make a new one. Besides everyone in the castle was under strict orders to never talk to him. They weren't even allowed to look at him! Though he would still see them catching a glance ever so often.

George was accustomed to this. Being the only thing he has ever known. But today that would all change! He was now twenty and his father did promise. His father wouldn't break a promise, right?


"What do you mean I can't go outside?!"

George stood in front of his father in the throne room. the sun was just coming up and put the whole room in beautiful gold lighting. His father set on top of his throne with a disgusted look on his face. A look George was all too familiar with. The look of pure hatred.

"Look, I don't know where you got the idea in your stupid head, but you are NEVER LEAVING THIS CASTLE for as long as I live. Understand."

"But you promised me."

"That was only to get you to shut up at the time. I can't believe you thought I was being serious.

George could feel tears forming. This was the only hope he had left. And now his father had ripped it away from him.

"Why do you hate me so much?" his voice was weak and small.

The king gave a hearty laugh. Some of the knights standing guard decided to laugh along with him.

"Haha, because you ugly worm, you took the only thing I truly cared about away from me. and for that, you must pay."

George stood there looking at the floor trying his hardest not to cry. Why was his father so cruel to him?

Suddenly the doors to the throne room burst open and tons of knights walk in.

One of them spoke up, "Your majesty, We have won the war!"

There was a war?  George thought to himself.

The King's face broke into a smile. George had never seen him smile before.

"Let us have a party! Good job everyone!" the King beamed. "Quick, someone go and get me the party planner. We will have the best meat this land has to offer and the finest wine!"

The knights started cheering.

One of George's personal guards walked up to him and signalled to him that it was time to leave. George made his way back to his room begrudgingly. This birthday he would spend it like all the others, alone in his room.

George had tried to sneak out of the castle before, but he was somehow always caught before he could even step out to the gardens. But was he going to late that stop him from trying again? No! George refused to live the rest of his miserable life under his father. Even if he was caught and lost his food for a week it would still be worth it. His 20th birthday was the only thing that made him get up every morning for the past three years. And for his father to take it away from him so fast wasn't fair! Besides, there would be a party tonight with lots of drunk knights, the perfect opportunity to escape.

George smiled to himself. He could do this.

He would do this!

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