March Break Part 6

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As it turns out,

putting Blyke, Remi, and John on the same team wasn't that great of an idea but it did help out Isen's team. John being the third wheel was not happy about it. Every 5 minutes ended up with Blyke and John butting heads. If he was being honest it was hilarious but he had to cover his snickers or Blyke and John would drown him in the ocean. Arlo, Seraphina, and he were winning by 3 points, 9 to their 6.

Surprisingly enough, his team worked pretty well together minus the two god tiers ordering him around half of the time- But ignoring that particular fact, they still worked well together, they only needed one more point and Blyke would have to be John's personal servant. Resuming the game, Remi served the ball onto their side, he set the ball right over to them, Blyke bumped it right back.

It went on like this for a while until John was able to spike it onto their side and none of them were able to hit it back. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Arlo glower at the other team before letting out a breath and going back to ready position. Remi, Blyke, and John went back to ready position as well but before they started again Blyke taunted him, "better get ready to become John's personal butler Isen!"

With the new boost of wanting to win, he set himself in ready position and Seraphina served the ball.

"WOOHOO! Suck on that Bitch! You're now John's personal butler for the rest of the day! Sorry, Remi, John, but now you have to watch whatever videos Blyke and I choose!" Isen yelled at them, John scowled but it morphed into a smirk at the idea of having a personal butler, namely Blyke.

John looked over to the side to see Blyke sulking, Remi trying to console him, he let out a snicker. Even though he had to watch the messed-up videos Isen and Blyke would pick out it was worth it in the end if he could make sure Blyke didn't come out unscathed either. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned to Sera, she was looking at him blankly but her next words made a smile form on his face.

"You okay?" Even though she didn't give out much more he knew she was talking about the breakdown he had last night. He didn't like her seeing that part of him, the part he was still trying to heal but she showed him relentless support so he couldn't complain. Like she said a couple of months ago, about her being there for him no matter what, she followed through with it and now he was okay. He wasn't the same as before and he was forever grateful. There might be times when he would need reassurance and help but she would give it to him along with his new idiots- friends. Friends, he meant friends.

"Yea, I'm okay. I'm going to have to watch some crazy-ass videos but I should survive." He groaned at the last part, she gave him a smirk knowing that the only reason that he would have to suffer the torture of crackheads was because her team won.

"Hey, hey wait I want a rematch! How about if I win an ability match against Isen he's going to have to become John's butler instead of me." Blyke suggested, Arlo looked mildly intrigued about the challenge, so was John. Blyke and Isen haven't had an official match against one another in months, even though Blyke's level is higher Isen could still pull off a win if he thought about the match in a more creative fashion.

"I want to join! Let's make it a three-way battle! I know I'm stronger than both of you guys but we could put in some extra restrictions to make it fair! If I win both of you guys have to become John's butler and I don't have to watch any messed up videos." Remi added, Sera seemed to be intrigued now as well. It was no surprise, usually, you would see them fighting together, never against each other.

"I think that's a wise idea," all of them turned to see that Leilah and Doc now joined them on this side of the beach. "You could count it as extra training, Remi being stronger than both Blyke and Isen, putting extra restrictions would make it fair. How about a certain time limit and boundaries? 30 minutes tops, if no one loses yet or if none of you guys have walked out of the boundaries all three of you guys would have to assist John for the rest of the day." Leilah suggested with a smile, John turned to see Isen thinking before finally cracking.

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