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picking up the buzzing phone y/n rubbed her stinging shoulders

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picking up the buzzing phone y/n rubbed her stinging shoulders

not being able to read the texts as she saw hoseok calling her this moment she answered of course Namjoon listening in
"Ah hello ?". . "Mrs. l/n" the young girl went silent as she recognized the voice

Of her teacher "Mr. Kim -" y/n spoke in a breathy tone "would you mind explaining as to where you are and why is it you feel the need to skip my class ?" "Mr. Kim hear me out -"

"no Ms. L/n since you have gotten here you have not been attending school regularly and I deserve an explanation before I call your..
guardian" seokjin spoke about jiyong like it made him almost bitter to even think about him

"seokjin please -" namjoon raised an eyebrow as he heard me speak Mr. Kim's first name
taking the phone "excuse me sir but I needed y/n to help me with some personal studies I'm sure you can understand we'll be in class
first thing tomorrow if you'll excuse us"

I watched the other with wide eyes as he hung up handing me the phone "it's sweet that you tried to protect me but you do know
that you are like a foot shorter than me" an amused smile

filled the young boy's full lips making y/n momentarily hold her breath before hitting his chest "shut up I am not that short" she spoke getting up
and patting down her clothes gathering up the fallen books

With namjoon "hey you know maybe I should dye my hair so I won't be a recognizedable " . . "yeah definitely a cotton candy pink you'd look so good in that" I spoke sarcastcly

"ha. ha. very funny I'm definitely not doing that" the taller male spoke as he got up starting to put each individual book in their place
"why not maybe not pink but I'm really sure you'd look good with a chestnut or dark chocolate look"

staying on the floor criss crossed I did the same as the male my back pressed up against his lower legs "mm maybe if you say so"

"ooh if I say so are you being obedient now ?" I teased as I could hear his iconic scoff already coming 1. 2. 3.

"tph ! I'm trying to be nice here but yeah i.. am now shut up" namjoon was shushed by the glaring old librarian
"see !" he whisper yelled it was like we were in a movie

or a really cheesy comedy movie "seeee" I mocked him under my breath but of course the giraffe heard me lightly kicking my back
causing me to knock him back with my head

only snickering was heard as we continued to put away the books in silence
it was like the day passed away quicker than usual

maybe because we were having fun or making actual progress leaving the library for lunch I held onto namjkoon's

coat sleeve dragging him down the steep road "what do you wanna eat bud ?".. "anything other than seafood anyone who could eat that is a psycho"

laughing I watched as the young man stumbled after me now gripping his wrist softly
"I guess a good portion of the word are psychopaths"

a raven haired teenager watched from afar her cherry red nails digging into her palms as she took out
her phone snapping a picture of the two

and posting it on the school group chat and of course it spread like fungus

isn't she already dating hoeseok ?

hoseok would never  date a whore like that watch your mouth.

I knew she was a slut when she
first transfered.

don't talk about my y/n like that !

shut up you know you just wanna get into her pants.

wonder if she's good in bed  🤤 you said she fucked all those guys right ?

wonder  how much she charges ?

I'm sure she'd let you  do her for free.

shit seems like community service to me !

and so it begun another nasty rumor about our main character  thought it didn't go quite as expected

ℋ·˚ ༘┊͙! ˊˎ𝚆𝚑𝚘 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞!?

butter butter butter butter butter butter butter  butter  butter
butter  butter butter  butter  butter    butter  butter  butter  butter  butter    butter  butter  butter  butter I was late and attacked why did yoongi rap like that and why did namjoon and hoeseok try to kill me #savehelena

pleure sur le beurre~ ℋℒℰ𝒩𝒜.

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