Ch 294: Repaying you

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Their business in Kjerag is finally done.

The next day, everyone is about to leave. They loaded their luggage on the van early, and there were some boxes of Karlan specialities that they loaded in too.

"Give my greetings to the managers of Rhodes Island." SilverAsh stands tall in the snow, looking at his two younger sisters. Although he tried his best to show the image of a majestic President of Karlan Trade in front of outsiders, Lin Ye can easily see how caring his eyes are while looking at his sisters.

Pramanix thought for a while and then shook her head, "I haven't seen the Doctor for many years, I have seen him only at a distance."

"The Doctor is really the dragon who sees the head but doesn't see the end," Cliffheart says.

"In that case, let me say hello to the lady named Amiya." SilverAsh says, "By the way, I'll go there personally as the representative of Karlan Trade, in the near future. In fact, I have been interested in Rhodes Island a long time ago now. Otherwise, I won't send Encia there for treatment. In this way, the Rhodes Island side that wants to seek commercial cooperation will be helped by Karlan Trade. However, I am still busy here. I still need to fix up this place. When I'm finished dealing with all of that, I will go to Rhodes Island to see you in person."

"Really?!" Cliffheart really wanted to cheer out loud but was stopped by Pramanix.

"I see... You're only there for work?" Pramanix glanced and gave a slight glare suspiciously at him.

After what seems to be an invisible sword stabbed through his heart comically, he coughs twice and says in a rather embarrassing tone, "Of course not, you are both my dear sisters. It is only natural for the brother to see her sisters."

Lin Ye who is not far from them smiles fondly at their interaction with each other. Sussurro is standing right beside him. She is smiling too.

They did it. I did not even need to help them much. He thought to himself.

Then he glances at Irene, who is standing next to Messiah. She is tearing down as she watches Lappland from afar. Her black scarf flutters with the wind like Messiah's.

Lappland seems to be a bit moody when she glances at Irene but she immediately looks away from her. Lin Ye sees this and asks her, "We'll be gone from here for a long time. Can't you just talk to her?"

"No." Lappland holds her hands, her tail wagging slowly, "This feeling is too weird."

"Didn't you say something yesterday? About-." He teases her. His smile is now a smirk.

"I didn't say anything yesterday! What did I say?! If you talk nonsense, I will bite you!" Lappland threatens him, and her tails stand up.

Facing this threat from her, Lin Ye holds up his hands. However, his smirk never left his face.

An embarrassed Lappland? Now I have seen everything. Lin Ye chuckles at this thought.

He really did not wish to deal with her. She is just that uncontrollable. Even if he had Messiah beside him, she would still bite him out of nowhere. Lin Ye did not want to leave Kjerag with more injuries. Still, his smile never left his face.

While she just threatened him with a fierce look, she glanced back at Irene, the strong, silly Lappland seemed a little bit lost. This was not missed by Lin Ye at all.

Lin Ye then walks towards Irene and Messiah. When he is near the crying girl, he smiles. She still lowers her head. She did not want to let him see her in this state. She wants to show him a smile.

Rhodes Island's Psychologist Book 2Where stories live. Discover now