31: A Friend

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A few months earlier.

A psychiatrist held a pen on his one hand and a notebook on the other. He did his thing with those things and wrote something.

In front of the doctor was a guy lying on a sofa. His hands were clasped tightly above his rock hard abdomen while he stared at the white ceiling. He gulped and spoke lowly, "What do you think? Am I going crazy?"

The doctor let out a sigh and said, "These symptoms of yours takes us to only one condition, Separation Anxiety Disorder. But in my opinion it's borderline. Regardless, you're not crazy. Your anxiety will only be triggered if this Aeiou is not truly safe. It seems that its root cause is you not being able to protect your mother from residential fires when you were young. You have to remind yourself of two things, Zed. One, it wasn't your fault your mother died.  Second, you're thinking is reasonable and comparable to a normal sane person."

"So... what should I do?"

"An assurance for the safety of that person you are separated with, specifically on residential fires, will be our first step. Based on your descriptions of the place Aeiou's living in, even I would get anxious if this was my friend. Come back to me after it, then let's see how it goes."

When the midnight came, Zed found himself walking on a cold, dark hallway of a building. The only source of light was his phone's flashlight. He walked in a gentle manner, as beneath him cracked floor that if one look closely, can see the rusty bars of steel holding the floor together.

This 5-story building was that same of a haunted place. Spider webs, defective lighting, and cracked walls and floor; Zed would not be surprised if a ghost suddenly appear on his side or he fell from the fifth floor where he was.

As Zed reached a silver door, he subtly pushed the cold knob. Illuminating the inside of that room, Zed saw a white stair going down and a sign of a vector guy running down a staircase. Zed walked in and touched the railings. It wasn't rusty, it was silver and sleek.  Zed could still smell the familiar scent of drilled walls and burned metals on the air.

Although the fifth floor look scary and old, the first, second, and up to the fourth was already renovated. Zed bet tomorrow this fifth floor would be finished and the cracked floors would be fixed.

Zed then removed his hands and walked out. With a cold expression, he leaned his robust figure on the cold wall and shoved his hands in his pockets.

So they finished it in a day, huh?

Zed was not sure if he should get angry or proud. His instructions were clear and concise, he said at the end to take their time. Yet he forgot that the person he commanded was an OC guy.

"If I can finish it now, why finish it tomorrow?" Jaspher was a workaholic anti-procrastinator.

Zed willed the annoyance off his head and walked with his one hand inside his pocket and the other holding his phone. 

This building was that same of their apartment building 11 years ago. The nostalgic feeling was enveloping Zed, but at the same time reminding him of his mom's painful death.

Walking down the stairs, Zed reached the first floor of the apartment in a minute. His steps were barely resounding on the ragged floor, careful someone might hear him.

Soon, Zed reached a door with a single bermuda plant on the side, and on the other side was a stack of white chairs and square tables.

Zed crouched and lifted the pot of the bermuda plant up and found a golden rusty the key below it. 

He put the pot on the side and picked up the key. He then shove the key into the knob and tilted it carefully.

Click. It unlocked.

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