The one part of the ONEshot

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     It had been a tremendously long day. At least, that's what Min had thought. Somehow, Ryan was still bouncing off the walls with energy. How the hell does he do that? It's almost 1am!
   Min sighed. "Ryan, why the hell are you acting like you're getting chased by the devil?"
    Ryan looked up at Min with a grin, his eyes sparkling. He laughed breifly, and Min blushed. "That would be bad." He said. "Also, I don't know. I'm just not tired."
   Min's eyes widened. "How?!"
   Ryan shrugged.
   Min scoffed and looked around the shabby apartment room. The living room was small, with one of those box TVs with the antennae. There was a worn-out wooden door to the side of the room, and as Min looked in, he instantly looked like he wanted to jump off a cliff.
   There was only one bed.
   Uno. One. ONE!
   Min looked back at Ryan. Ryan laughed. "Dude, you look pale and red at the same time. Are you ok?"
   Min cleared his throat. "Uh, so, funny story. There's only one bed."
    Min could've sworn he saw Ryan blush the slightest bit. "So?"
    "I can uh, sleep on the floor if you want, it's no big deal."
   Ryan giggled, and Min blushed harder. Why was he so cute?
   "Are you joking? We've slept in the same bed plenty of times. Hell, we've slept in the same sleeping bag! Remember when we were like 10 and we went on that one camping trip and I forgot my sleeping bag-"
    Min's face was red now. "Please don't remind me."
    Ryan laughed. Min sighed. He's right, we have. Why does this feel different? The thought of having to sleep on the same matress with his best lifelong friend sent butterflies in his stomach.
   "C'mon dude, it won't be that bad." Ryan walked up to Min and gently elbowed him in the side, like a playful nudge. Min remembered when Ryan used to do that as a kid. It was normal for him to do that, to push him around and wrap his arm around Min's neck-
   Min shuddered, but nodded. All of a sudden, it seemed as the life drained out of Ryan and he flopped on the bed.
    Min snorted. "Dude, are you alright?"
   "I feel like I was just let out of a torturing machine. In short, no."
    Min giggled, and Ryan's facd heated up.
    "I'm just going to die here for a second, you can get ready or whatever." Ryan mumbled.
    "You are not having a good time right now, are you?" Min asked, already knowing the answer.
    Ryan looked at Min straight in the eyes and gave him a death stare.
    "Got it. You just rest, buddy." Min nodded quickly and tried to stop himself from laughing.
    As Min got ready, Ryan just stared at the ceiling. It was one of those times to just drown in your thoughts. It had been about a year since the duo had gotten off the nightmare train. It was probably one of the best days of Ryan's life when Min told him that he wouldn't go to Uni and he would go with Ryan to play in their band. They had renamed Chicken Choice Judy to Duet, and had made new songs after their original song, Train to Nowhere. Ryan had made a song or two without Min knowing, but that was for personal reasons. Very personal reasons.
   When Ryan felt Min sit down on the side of the bed, he opened one eye. His hair was all ruffled his eyes were bloodshot. "Dude, you look terrible." Ryan said softly.
   Min chuckled. "I'm aware. You're turn, I wanna see how bad you look with your hair messed up."
   Ryan smiled and sat up, giggling a bit.
  "You'll always look worse than me, no doubt." He said.
  "Was that supposed to be a compliment?" Min said, grinning.
   "Maybe." Ryan said as he stood up. He had one arm still on the bed. He looked like if he was going to pass out.
    As he went into the other room to get ready, Min stared at the ceiling. There was a cobweb in the corner of the room where the back and side wall connected. No spider though, thank the lords. Ryan would've freaked out and hung onto Min all night, knowing how clingy he could get.
   When Ryan came back into the room, rubbing his eyes, he croaked, "Do you seriously sleep on your back? You're not a human being, dude."
   Min scoffed. "Sleeping on your side is very uncomfortable."
    Ryan opened his mouth, as if to argue, but closed it again.
    "Please don't pass out." Min said. Ryan laughed. "I can't promise anything."
   As Min and Ryan settled into the bed, they turned away from each other. However, since the bed was so fricking small, their backs were pressed against each other.
   It took a while for Min to be able to even close his eyes. It hadn't even taken a minute for Ryan to completely pass out. Min could barely hear his quiet snores over his pounding heart. Feeling Ryan next to him, sleeping soundlessy made him blush harder than he ever had before and sent thousands of butterflies fluttering in his stomach.
   After about half an hour of staring at the wall, Min flipped onto his back and closed his eyes, finally finding sleep.

              --magical timeskip--

    When Min awoke, he felt something warm snuggled up against his side. When he looked over, he saw Ryan cuddled up against his side, his arms holding Min close to him, his head tucked under his arm.
   Min could hear himself internally scream and panic. At the same time, it felt so right just to stay there and melt away into Ryan's warmth.
    Min sighed and tried to recollect himself. He felt Ryan's weight slightly shift away from him and realized he was waking up.
   Now, Min was visibly panicking. He had absolutely no idea what to do.
    When Ryan opened his eyes and rubbed them, his face turned red.
   "Ack! Sorry dude, I get kinda clingy, wait you know thay already haha-"
   "It's fine, I didn't mind." Min said, his heart pounding so hard he thought it would beat out of his chest.
   "Y-you sure?" Ryan asked softly, sounding a little hopeful.
    Min nodded and Ryan smiled. He cuddled back up into Min's side. Min's heart lept and it felt like his stomach was twisted in a knot.
    But, despite all that, he smiled. He turned on his side and wrapped his arms around Ryan, holding him close to him. He heard Ryan sigh and bury his face in his chest. Min giggled.
   "I love you," Ryan muttered.
   Min already knew that. Or, he thought he knew that. Ryan never openly said it, until now.
    "I love you too," Min said. His heart fluttered and he never felt so happy in his life.
    Ryan pulled his face away from Min's chest, and his eyes sparkled. "Really?"
    Min smiled and kissed Ryan's forehead. "Mhm, yeah."
    Ryan squeaked and hugged Min, giggling. Min hugged Ryan back and he heard Ryan sniffle.
   "Dude, are you crying?" Min asked, lifting up Ryan's face with his hand. Ryan was crying, tears were streaming down his face, but he had the widest smile of mankind.
   "Yeah, but it's like happy crying." Ryan said, his voice wavering in and out.
   "You're so soft, dude." Min snickered.
   "Is that a bad thing?" Ryan asked in a small voice.
   "Sometimes, but definetly not all the time."
    "Oh. Alright."
    Min giggled and Ryan joined him. Everything to both of them finally seemed right in the world.
    Ryan rubbed his eyes and exhaled loudly. "I haven't cried this much for a while." He muttered.
    Min shrugged. "It's alright to cry, ya know."
    Ryan snorted. "Of course I know, you dork."
    "Oh, by the way, can I give you something real quick?" Ryan muttered.
   "Hm?" Min tilted his head.
    Ryan inahled, his breath shaking nervously. In a flash, Ryan cupped Min's face in his hands and kissed him.
    Min felt his stomach explode. His entire body went into a state of shock and he just froze.
    Ryan quickly pulled away. "S-sorry, that w-was kinda sudden so I get it if you weren't ready-"
    Ryan was quickly cut off by Min kissing him back. Ryan's eyes widened, but he quickly melted into the kiss as more tears poured down his face. He ran one of his hands through Min's hair and he wrapped the other one around Min's side, pulling him closer.
    Min put a hand on the back of Ryan's neck and the other he snaked around his back. He felt Ryan smile through his lips and Min hushed a laugh as he smiled too.
   When they pulled away, both of their faces were red.
   "That was weird. In a good way." Ryan said softly.
   "Yeah, I guess."
    Min and Ryan just sat there, staring at each other, trying to process what happened.
   "Tomorrow is going to be so weird. And the day after that. And after that." Ryan said, chuckling.
   "It won't be weird if we don't make it weird." Min said.
   "What's that supposed to mean? I'm not a genuis like you."
   Min shrugged. "I dunno, I just thought it would sound cool and mysterious."
    Ryan laughed, and Min smiled. He loved hearing Ryan laugh and be happy.
   "Sooo, what now?" Ryan asked.
    "I don't know. I'm still trying to process what happened." Min offerred.
    "Same." Ryan muttered. He looked into Min's eyes and quickly kissed him again.
    "S-sorry. I just wanted to do that again."
    Min could feel his stomach turn inside-out, but it didn't feel bad. "It's fine." Min chuckled.
    Ryan smiled that shining smile of his, that could always light up the way through any dark corridor. Ryan had always been the flashlight Min needed to emerge from the dark, to finally start following his real dreams. When Min kissed Ryan again, he knew everything would be perfect from here on out as long as they had each other.  

This is the oneshot I promised yall! This was super fun to write and I love Rymin so yall come get your food lol
The finale to The Other Side will be released tomorrow! Hope yall enjoy that too :3


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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"Oh no there's only one bed" Rymin oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now