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Harry Potter.

"So, what happened then?" Ron asked. Everyone turned to Parkinson again. She simply looked away. I glanced at Malfoy. He seemed genuinely worried. Without thinking about it I blushed and smiled at his expression. This is no time to fucking smile Harry. I told myself and I dropped the grin. Draco noticed me watching. I quickly looked away, blushing even more. In the corner of my eyes I saw Malfoy blush too. It was like my heart exploded. I'd been crushing on Malfoy for a while... "come on pansy, tell us what happened." Zabini said. "No." Parkinson answered. "The two of you were in Music class right?" I asked. Malfoy and Zabini looked at me, and then back at Parkinson. "Had it something to do with Wilson?" Malfoy asked softly. He seemed even more worried. "The Music teacher? What about him?" Ron asked. Parkinson didn't reply. "He's kind off a perv." Blaise said coldly.

There was a silence. "He didn't finally... do it.. right?" Zabini asked. I glanced at Ron next to me. He was basically radiating confusion. "No.. he was about to, but Granger came in." Parkinson answered. "Wait, so Mr. Wilson did this to Hermione?" Ginny asked, stepping forward. "I'm going to kill him." Draco spat. He looked furious. "We agree on something then, Malfoy." Ron said. The two guys started their journey to Mr. Wilson's office when the door of the hospital wing flew open. "Don't bother. Wilson has left the building." Professor McGonagall said. She walked up to the two beds everyone was standing around. "We've been suspecting something was going on between him and miss Parkinson for a while. When we started hearing students talk about Wilson taking her out of class, we set up camera surveillance in his office. Unfortunately, our suspicions were proven right, and it was much worse than we thought." McGonagall explained. There was a very long silence.

Pansy Parkinson

It honestly took everything I had not to burst into tears. I was not about to cry in front of all these Gryffindors. Though, some of them looked at me differently now. Maybe sympathetically even. Draco sat down at the edge of my bed and took my hand. I had told him and Blaise about most Mr. Wilson had done. Those two boys may be idiots, but they're the only people I can be vulnerable with, and I love them. "So... you saw everything he did..?" I softly asked. "We set up the camera's yesterday, so we only saw today. Thankfully, Professor Snape checked the live footage and intervened before Wilson could go any further. He was impressed by the fight you two had put up while neither of you had a wand." McGonagall said. I nodded and stared at the floor again.

"So what happens next?" Potter asked. "Yeah. Is He going to Azkaban?" Weasley added. "He should." Finnigan mumbled. "We've contacted the authorities. He'll be charged with attempted rape, violence against students and use of the Cruciatus curse. Don't worry, we won't be seeing him in a long time." McGonagall explained. "And in the mean time, I'd like to sign up both of you for weekly counseling." She then added, nodding at me and Granger. Weasley sat back down next to her while Madame Promfrey walked in. She smiled and nodded at Professor McGonagall. McGonagall returned the smile and turned around to walk away. Madame Promfrey's smile faded as she reached the two beds.

"3 visitors per patient. A whole lot of you need to get out." She said sharply. There was some eye rolling and scoffing as a lot of Gryffindors walked out. Potter, Weasley and the Weasley girl stayed. "Alright. Miss Parkinson, you're free to go. You haven't suffered any permanent damage." She said. I saw Draco and Blaise smile, they're very protective of me... "although for miss Granger, she has 2 broken ribs and a light fracture in her spine. This I can heal in no time, but I'd like to keep her overnight to recover from the Cruciatus curse." Weasley jumped up in shock as Madame Promfrey finished her story. "A teacher used the Cruciatus curse on Hermione?!" He yelled. "Didn't your professor just tell you that? Well, I think miss Granger will be okay to go to the feast tomorrow, if she's feeling up to it of course. Now I suggest you three — " she nodded at me, Blaise and Draco. " — get lost, you're excused from classes. So are you four." Madame promfrey added. She turned around and walked back to her office.

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