5 | Stuck Here

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Scorpius mentally cursed himself for bounding towards the Headmaster's Office without any idea what his password was. "Catnap," he tried, but the gargoyle wouldn't budge. He tried more words like 'Power' or 'Phoenix' and even Dumbledore's ridiculously long name, but not one proved to be the right password.

He was half-tempted to turn around and run back to the Great Hall to seek for Pansy and ask for the password. The Great Feast just ended thirty minutes ago and students were already trickling back to their dormitories. He was thankful Pansy was his Prefect counterpart; Scorpius just had to give her a handsome smirk to beg her to cover for him while he went to Dumbledore. It still highly amused him how Pansy practically flushed and swooned with his actions.

"Dumbledore is Awesome," he lamely muttered, but the gargoyle still hadn't sprung to life.

He mentally cursed himself once more for forgetting to attend the Prefects meeting a while ago. The Heads usually provided the password for the Headmaster's Office should they need to report an emergency to Dumbledore.

Then, Scorpius remembered the patrol schedule Hermione Granger had shoved in his hands. He immediately pulled out the crumpled parchment from his pockets and thanked the stars above the password was scribbled on it. "Acid... Pops?" he asked. Instantly, the gargoyle sprang to life and jumped down, revealing the spiralling staircase leading to the Headmaster's Office.

Scorpius snorted at the silly password before jumping onto the staircase. Once he reached the top, he slowly sauntered closer to the imposing wooden door and took a deep breath. He wanted to say a lot of things to Dumbledore and the Slytherin had no idea where to start.

'Eh, I'll just wing it,' he thought as he straightened his back and smoothed his robes. From the books he had read, Dumbledore was kind and noble. Scorpius was sure he wouldn't be shunned away immediately.

Scorpius grasped the door handle and knocked thrice. The wooden door creaked open and he carefully peered inside. To his relief, Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk, only he wasn't alone. As Scorpius stupidly stumbled inside and gaped, the hardened gaze of Severus Snape stared right back at him.

"Mister Malfoy," Snape snarled. "What brings you here?"

He was rendered mute, honestly humbled in the presence of the Master Potioneer. His father always told him Snape wasn't a really pleasant person, but it was because he had been through a lot. After his death, Auror Harry Potter made it a point to tell the whole Wizarding World how Snape had been brave, working as a spy for the Order of the Phoenix and being an instrument to Voldemort's defeat. Only a few knew of the real story behind his change of alliances, but Scorpius knew from Draco that Severus Snape loved Lily Potter very, very much and made it his life's purpose to protect Harry Potter.

"Speak, boy," his Head of House snapped and the noble image Scorpius painted of him instantly shattered. His father wasn't kidding when he said Snape didn't like people.

"P-pardon my intrusion," Scorpius started, "but may I please speak with you, Professor Dumbledore?" He shot a nervous glance at Snape and swallowed. "Alone."

Snape gave him a glare while Dumbledore looked highly amused. Scorpius felt a little dizzy to be in the presence of the two Headmasters that shared his best friend's name.

"We will continue our discussion for another day, Severus," the Headmaster finally said.

"But Headmaster—"

"Have a good night, Severus."

The Potions Master bristled and gave another accusatory glare towards Scorpius. The Slytherin paled and looked away. He held his breath as Snape brushed past him and walked out of the office.

Rewritten || Scorpius x Hermione Time Travel AUWhere stories live. Discover now