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Shimuon's POV

'Where the hell is blackie..' I tch'd as I kick the demon in ease, sending them to the wall. They collapse and die afterwards.

After the two had left the room, I debate whether to follow the two or stay.. with these idiots and of course, I decided to just go search for Blackie.

...Then the demon came out of nowhere, a magic circle appeared on the floor and start attacking the Opion's people.

Some of them were surprise but they quickly took action in fighting back, 'Well this is Opion's alright.. They stand up to their status.' I thought to myself as I run towards each room, searching for Blackie.

"Tch'd, he'd better be alright if not--"


"Blackie!" I called out as I heard him, he just came out from the room next to the one i'm searching. Both he and the master seems fine,


"So they're here already." Blackie sigh as we walk back towards where the idiots.. are.

"To think that they took their action this fast.. I thought that they'd attack us in a week or so." The master said as he walk along with us to the others.


"They might learn the fact that the ogres had betrayed them in favour of helping the humans."

"True.. That could be it.. But first, lets evacuate everyone from the mansion and get rid of these demons."

"Will do."

"And Rood after this, I'l need you to spread the news to our allies, towers and association and even the ogres to be alerted and fight back if necessary... The signal for an all out war will be informed later on. But don't let the people know this, they'd panic if they do so.."

"Of course master." Blackie nods, he look at me and signed me to follow him,

".... Wait." Both blackie and the master stopped and look at me,

"There's a question...." I death glare the two, suspicions clearly shown in my face towards the two.

"How did you even come to know this .. disaster?" The two kept quiet, yet they turn around and walk again in a slow pace, I followed behind.

"The leader of the demons who attacked the Helois school was initiate by the four demons, Rubymonter, Gamode, Elzeble and.. DIo." By this, blackie stop walking. Followed by the master who are looking at me as if he's waiting for me to finish the question,

"Their attack was a faiure and instead became Opion's.. underlings. Iie, Rood's." I stated as I walk nearer to them slowly, "For me, I think it's weird enough that those four.. no, three would ever want to be blackie's underligs... But if there are some connection between them.. Like blackie here pretending to be a human--" An heavy gust of wind almost hit my face, the source? Blackie almost punching my face and appearing as fast as lightning infront of me,

"...... What if, blackie is a demon just like them?" I continued.

".... Nonesense." Blackie said darkly, his face are shadowned by his bangs. He retreated his hand and stand firm infront of me,

"What I loathed the most in the universe.. Is demons." His clear blue eyes shine darkly and with an obvious tone of voice of hatred filled in.

"Shicmuon, for you to be this interested in cases, it's rare for you. But rest assure, that we came to know this because of them four telling us so not because of what you thought Rood .. was." The master said in an assurance, "Now, lets head back to the rest."

"..... Alright."

Thus I followed the two quietly with blackie still giving murderous aura.

Although it's kinda quite usefull as the demons dare not to come closer to us, instead some fleed, scared.

"Rood!!" Dio and Lidusis scream as we enter the room,

"You guys alright?" Master ask as he walk towards his phone which ar eon the table,

"Yes, the towers are protecing us from the monster." Ren replied,

"Good, now I want you all to evacuate the mansion, some might come as a reinforcement."

"Wait just a moment, Master of Opion! Would you care to tell us what the hell has happened here and why are the demons here?!"

"All question should be asked later, I'll inform the authorities to held a sudden conference for this matter. It'd be best if you take your companion and your son outside the mansion if you want to ensure your safety, Marquis."

"You better keep your words! Come, Lapis. Let us go."

"W--wait father, how about Rood, Dio and Lidusis---hieeee!!!" And he was taken away by his father, teleporting away.

"Rood, you and your group should go to the Helois, I informed the authorities already. You should meet up with them."


The lady give him a teleport crystal and blackie, the artian and the four demons and me myself teleport away leaving the master and the lady behind.

Thid's POV

"Now.." The master walk towards the door and held out some crystal mana, Shall we disposed these intruder?"

A killing spree for the master Opion and Ren.

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