30. Eunyoungs Master

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Lee Hyunjin didn't give his stupid crap attracting ability the chance. He vanished right there and then.

Like a headless chicken, Lee Hyunjin bolted leaving the red monster stunned for half a day.

He didn't even properly see what it looked like because the moment it's furry red paws stopped in front if him his own two feet carried him hundreds of metres away.

If one looked closely, they'd see Minhee who was hanging over his shoulder, held down by his hand, sticking out her tongue in ridicule. Her expression said 'just try and catch us'.

Minjae and Minho also really liked it when their eldest brother moved so fast. If they'd been to an amusement park before they'd probably describe it as a roller coaster ride.

Lee Hyunjin bolted and only when his instincts told him it was safe did he stop.

He quickly checked that the children were still with him before climbing up a tree and sitting down to take a break.

"Sorry, I'm sure it's hard on you guys," he rubbed their soft heads gently. Minjae and Minho snuggled up against him, they stayed comfortably inside the front open folds of his robe above his belt whilst Minhee's place was directly in his hand, on his shoulder or when it was safe to she'd be on his head.

Lee Hyunjin extricated them all from their positions, he placed them on his laps then took out the Eneri strapped to his belt. "Eat up," he plucked the pure white leaves and fed all three of them.

He was very well certain that the kids were probably tired of eating Eneri all the time though they didn't complain. Hyunjin wasn't a hunter so this was a problem. Still for their sake he should try...... right?

Lee Hyunjin noticed that the longer they travelled the more tangled up the trees became, it was better to call this place a jungle now, thick branches big enough to run on stretched out, intertwining with other tree branches as if forming paths above the ground. They were covered with fresh green algae making the place much more vibrant.

There were also plants Lee Hyunjin hadn't eaten before now. These plants similarly had different colours that sometimes looked odd and sometimes beautiful.... they were also some plants that seemed .... 'alive'. Really Lee Hyunjin had slept in a tree with the kids and then woke up and found himself wrapped in vines, if it wasn't for those vines being scared away by the fact that Hyunjin tried to eat them.... well~

Anyway, Lee Hyunjin suspected that thanks to all his high speed running he'd actually lost direction a long time ago and had been going the wrong way.

Lee Hyunjins thoughts were right, they'd been going the wrong way for quite a while now and were very (VERY) far from the village Qin Yu had directed them towards.


Meanwhile, in a large marble building, almost extravagant enough to rival the Ledris castle..... a young man dressed in a simple white shirt with his sleeves rolled up and black pants walked down a narrow hallway before cautiously opening one of the many doors the hallway had.

He entered the room and walked over to the small figure that was fast asleep on top of a white pillow.

"Eunyoung...." he called out but the black 'cat' did not wake, "Eun, Eun-ah....... little Eun-Eun," the young man spoke with a gentle and playful tone.

Eunyoung opened her eyes. She glanced at her master who was kneeling infront of her, chin resting in his hands with his elbows planted on the bed. "Did you wake up?" He asked with a brilliant smile. "How are you feeling Eun-ah?"

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