Chapter 30

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...hi hi!

I seriously don't know what I'm writing rn.

Chapter Start

3rd pov:

The Next Day

Y/n was now walking home from grocery shopping when she saw two familiar people a short distance away in front of her.

As she drew near them she heard some of their conversation.

"Baji-san joined he could investigate Kisaki." Y/n heard Chifuyu saying.

"You mean...Valhalla and Kisaki are connected somehow?" Takemichi ask.

"Probably. Yeah." Chifuyu said as he looks at Takemichi beside him. "If Baji-san is investigating from within Valhalla's ranks...then I wanna do my own investigation from the outside." He continued.

Y/n really wanted to call them both but stop because she finds the topic real interesting to listen to.

To stop herself from interrupting the two people in front, she pulled out a dorayaki from her pocket and slowly eat it as they walk.

"Help me out, Takemitchy!" Chifuyu stated seriously.


"If I didn't do something...he'll fly outta control if he's left on his own." At this point y/n began to lose some interest in listening in on them as she indulge herself to the deliciousness of her snack.

Finishing one, she pulled out another from her other pocket and ate it as well. Then she heard something interesting the really peak her interest.

"What about you, Takemitchy?" Chifuyu ask.


"During the nomination for the third division picked a really bad punch Kisaki." As Chifuyu said this, y/n choke hard on her dorayaki gaining the attention of the two who look behind them as she cough repeatedly.

*cough!* *cough!!*

"Y/n-san?!" They both exclaimed surprise before they help her.

What great friends...

"Water! Takemitchy, go get some water from that vending machine." Chifuyu said as he pointed at a random vending machine while patting y/n's back repeatedly. "Are you okay?! Y/n-san!?" Chifuyu ask in concern.

*cough!* *cough!*

"A-alright!" Takemichi said as he hurriedly ran to get some water.

After a short while, Takemichi came back running with a bottle of water on his hand. Chifuyu snatch the bottle as he opened it and hand it to the choking girl.

Seeing the girl drink the water, both boys let out a relieve sigh.

"Are you okay now, y/n-san?" Chifuyu ask still worried to which the girl in question just nodded.

"More importantly...Takemitchy. You punched Kisaki?!" Y/n shouted in shock with a little bit of glee gleaming in her still teary eyes.

"E-eh? Err...yeah." Takemitchy answered while scratching his cheek in a sheepish manner.

Hearing his answer, y/n suddenly laugh out loud wiping some tears from her eyes scaring the two boys. "Hahaha."

"I can't imagine Kisaki getting punch. Haha." Y/n finished as she slowly calm down.

With Jackets and Dorayaki (Mikey x reader) fanficWhere stories live. Discover now