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After a few hours of riding through the countryside of Ravka, they took a break. The horses were exhausted so they stopped by a creek. Each of them drinking from the river as Liliya walked around the perimeter. Her hands resting at her sides, swaying as she strolled around. It seemed to be secure and they were close enough to the nearby village that help would be at hand. The village close was friendly to Grisha as far as Liliya could remember so it was good at least.

As Liliya was about to head back to the horses, she felt a hand grab her arm. Her head snapped and she saw that it was Roma. He pushed them both behind one of the larger trees and she could see the confusion etched across his features. He didn't like knowing things and she had kept a massive secret from him.

"Since when could you summon shadows?" Roma asked as he stood across from her. His hands crossed over his chest. Liliya sighed and pushed off the tree but Roma pushed her back. There was no way she was getting out of this conversation it seemed.

"I always could," She responded as she tried to move but Roma shoved her back again. He pushed her back, glaring at her now. If she had always been able to do it, he would have known. They had known each other since they had both came to the Little Palace. They knew a lot about each other. Before Lev and Tomas, they had been the closest friends. Now, well, that was different.

"No, you couldn't. I would have know," Roma said. Liliya scoffed and then pushed away from him again, moving past him. Roma grabbed her arm again and dragged her back, "Stop walking away. We need to have this conversation," Roma added as he pushed her back again the tree. Liliya let out a soft huff and stared up at him.

"We don't, Roma. You have Tomas and Lev. I have Arina. We left each other a long time ago. You have no right to know," Liliya said. Roma stared at her for a moment before he ran his hand along his stubbled chin. His fingers pushed through his hair and he thought for a moment before he faced her again. A frown on his lips.

"You have changed so much since I last saw you, Li. You weren't like this. You weren't sleeping with the General like it meant nothing. You weren't lying in his bed, like Zoya. You always hated her. Why are you acting like her if you hated her?" Roma asked. It had clearly been on his mind and now they were alone, it was spilling from his lips so easily. She wasn't entirely surprised by his words. He had always had a warp view of her. She never really showed her true self around him.

"I didn't hate her, Roma. I hated that I wasn't her. She had Kirigan when I had always wanted him. I have him now and he cares for me and he helped me. He... he is the only reason I have these shadows back under my control," Liliya said as she looked at him. Roma pulled his eyebrows together and stared at her. It was clear that his whole view of Liliya was tearing at the seams. It was strange but this is who she had always been.

TORTURED SOUL, general kirigan ✔Where stories live. Discover now