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    The Verhamian princess left her chamber late that night to go meet with her uncle Derek, they met at their usual secret place in the royal castle.

   Beatrice could not believe her ears when she heard Edrin announce that Kira was still alive and that he would bring her back to be his wife again.
She did her best to talk him out of it but he refused to listen to her. It was the first time he went against her wishes and this made her very angry, giving her more reasons to hate Kira to the core...

"Why didn't she just die??!!!!". Beatrice whined like the brat she was.

" Beatrice my dear, that is the least of our worries, Edrin is not a real man, don't expect much from him.."
Franklin tried to explain but she cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"I don't care uncle! He's my husband! No one should take him away from me, that girl should have been dead! Why is she here uncle? You promised, you promised to take her out of our lives, but she's here again uncle. You don't know how to do anything right!"

"Enough Beatrice! How dare you talk to me like that? I'm your fa... I mean, I'm your uncle, you should respect me. Besides, I did my part and got her killed, it is not my fault if luck was on her side. That is not our problem for now, Jared is dead and cannot stand in our way anymore. This is the time to strike, the iron is still very hot, the country is vulnerable and very weak in defence. Your father will be sending his troops by dawn and before you can say 'jack', this puny Kingdom will be burnt to the ground along with all your enemies especially that Kira girl, does that make you happy my child?".

Beatrice folded her arms and huffed, then after a few seconds of childish delegation, she nodded to her uncle.

"Fine, but promise me you won't kill Edrin. I like him a lot and I still want him for myself".

" Okay my dear, I won't kill him. By the way, you have nothing to worry about concerning Kira's arrival, you are still his first wife. Nothing will change that".

"You're right uncle Derek, that's why I love you".
She hugged him as though he was her father, which he was!.


The morning sun pierced its warm rays into the room Kira and Edrin spent their second wedding night in. Kira was the first to wake up but Edrin's heavy arms around her kept her pinned to himself, as she laid there in his arms, she could not help but remember the past events that took place in that same castle the first time. The times she was humiliated and disgraced and the times she was abused by her husband. Those were nothing compared to watching her parents' ruination with her eyes and being the reason for it.
  The tears struggled to come out but she fought them with all her mental strength...

I will make them all pay. Mother and father, I will make sure they suffer the same fate as you both did.  And the Verhamian princess, I know it was her doing, she will die by my hands. As for you Edrin, you and your entire family as well as the entire Kingdom of Verthona will suffer a fate worse than death.

  A shuffling beside her brought her out of her internal proclamation. She turned to the source. Edrin was already awake, staring lovingly into her eyes. For Kira, this felt a bit awkward and in a way, annoying.

"What is it?". She asked.

"I'm just staring at my beautiful wife, is that a crime?". He responded with a teasing smirk on his face. Then, cupped her right cheek with the palm of his hand while caressing her lips with his thumb.

" I didn't realize I had such a gorgeous wife all along, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever set my eyes on".

Words like this only infuriated Kira. She showed her dissatisfaction by rolling her eyes at him and turning her face away, but the relentless young man gently turned her face back towards his again.

Kira and Jared [Historical Romance]Where stories live. Discover now