Step 28. try to make some thoughtful gestures for them

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she floats through the room on a big balloon
Some say, "She's such a fake,"
That her love is made up
No, no, no, no
Let's have another toast to the girl almighty

-one direction (girl almighty)

-one direction (girl almighty)

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Karlissa Smith

12 February

"I swear if that boy doesn't do something special I will throw a huge tantrum" Delilah huffed. I laughed

it was valentine's week and everyone was either clinging to their significant other or cursing those couples because they were single.

we were on my locker before lunch and Delilah was talking about how Niall didn't even know he was supposed to ask her to be his valentine.

I hummed because I knew what was coming her way. Niall called me last week asking if it was the right time to propose. I was surprised, to say the least, but their families were ok with it and they weren't going to get married before college anyway. and I think Niall is perfect for her. he balances out Delilah's crazy.

he was her lobster

sorry I've been re-watching friends, again.

we made our way to the cafeteria and we sat down at our, might I say, 'popular table'. I was very aware of all the eyes on me.

good. I worked hard on my body so I could be this confident.

"Karlissa!" Kaylana squealed. I and Delilah turned as Kaylana and jayln came to sit at our table with excited expressions.

"Yeah?" I asked with a smile.

"Adrien just asked me to be his valentine and to prom!" kaylana shrieked.

I smile. kaylana liked Adrien since junior year, I think. it was good that they were finally doing something about it

"that's great kay!" I smiled. Delilah nodded.

"oh! and Garry told me that he heard from Jake that Yolanda overheard Owen taking to Hayden-" jayln was cut off by the door of the cafeteria opening and the room fell silent.

I look at the door and saw Hayden Harris, the popular jock, walking in. he had his teammates with him flanking him like usual and I looked away, bored.

suddenly a hand was on our table right in front of me. I raised an eyebrow at it and followed it to his owner who was a surprise-surprise, Hayden Harris.

"How can I help you?" I asked with a little sass. Hayden was an ass and jerk, everyone knew that.

but I won't let him walk over me.

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