Chapter XXI

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"So I have news! Probably good news!" Derek grinned as he looked at the teens who were currently talking at the backyard.

"What is it Uncle?" Camila asked.

"You know how you all are homeschooled, kind of?" Derek asked.

"I don't think we consider this homeschooled Uncle D." Lauren chuckled, while Camila rested her head on the raven's chest.

"Okay, that may be..."

"But still, I have news. We're getting out of here, and you can continue to college of some sort." Derek said.

Camila and Lauren looked at each other with wide eyes, Dinah gasped, Normani was smiling happily. If they're being sent to College, this only means that the situation is getting better.

"You're kidding right?" Dinah asked.

"I wish he was." Damien smiled, appearing from the kitchen door.

"Primus!" Lauren rejoiced, standing up and rushing towards the man.

"Fuck." Camila groaned, rubbing the back of her head. Lauren looked back and instantly gulped at the glare Camila had on her. Dinah and Normani were trying their best not to laugh.

"Hello." Damien chuckled, hugging Lauren.

"How are you? How have you been? What happened?"

Damien chuckled at the series of question the raven was asking him, instead of answering he smiled at Lauren before ruffling her hair.

"Your parents are coming in a few hours, you better pack your belongings. Ally's meeting you outside the portal." Damien said.

"Ally?" Dinah asked.

"Ally and some of her Witchzard friends made some things that'll protect you." Derek said.

"Witchzard?" Normani chuckled.

"I don't know if she's a witch, or a wizard. Witchzard." Derek defended.

Lauren walked back to Camila, and helped her girlfriend up. Camila was still giving her death glares, but Lauren was trying to drown it out with her smiles.

"Welcome to April 15th 2020!" Ally smiled greeting them.

"Hello April 202-Hold up what?!" Dinah exclaimed.

"Did you say 2020?" Normani asked.

"I'm pretty sure it was 2018 when we entered the portal." Lauren said.

"What in the world is happening?" Camila asked, rubbing her temples while Lauren held her close, kissing her forehead.

"I'm so confused." Taylor said.

"Dad?" Chris asked.

Michael gave them a smile before looking at Alejandro and Sinuhe, who exchanged smiles before looking af Derek who was shyly rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you. A month equals a year on the portal." Derek said.

"So you're telling me I'm turning 23? And I haven't even celebrated being 21 and 22!" Dinah exclaimed.

"Well you're 22 now?" Derek smiled sheepishly.

"Uncle! That's not the point!" Dinah said dramatically.

"I'm 23?" Lauren mumbled.

"I'm 23." Camila muttered.

"I'm turning 24." Normani panicked.

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