Chapter Five - Mind Jack (Part 2)

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Third Person POV


Lady Niaka winces as she's thrown down onto her knees by a pair of brainwashed second years.

"Nothing like going with the flow, huh m'lady?" Her partner mutters in a mix of worry and annoyance. He'd originally been opposed to the plan, but with a little convincing from his lady, he decided to trust her word that this would all work out.

"Lady Niaka... I suppose you know what he wants?" The indigo-haired villain glares at her with his tired eyes.

"Yes, and I plan to give him what he wants. I have no way of winning this battle and I'm sure you've noticed that."

"Giving up already, huh?" the villain narrows his eyes as he reaches out for the hero's earrings, only for his hand to be quickly batted away.

"Isn't it a shame that you didn't complete your own goal though? I'm sure you haven't at least, I mean... you had to be going after someone specific or perhaps a group, right? Maybe you'd want some help with that before I officially discontinue hero work."
In a slight shock, Mind Jack runs a hand through his messy locks and lets out an annoyed huff.
"I don't need your charity to round up those top course assholes." Pulling at his scarf, his glare hardens.
"I don't know what could be achieved from either side in this conversation. You of all people, a super hero - have been blessed with such an amazing ability and yet right now you've chosen to throw it away without a fight. People like you are the reason people like me who actually have to try in life suffer under the title of 'average'!" Pulling at his tape-like scarf once more, Mind Jack angrily towers over the ladybug themed hero.

Y/n's POV

'The scarf... of course!'

I raise my gloved hands to try and calm the approaching villain, our noses almost touching as I look up at him, refusing to back down.

"Mind Jack, we can work this out. What if I-"
"Where's your partner?"
Tilting my head slightly, I give a questioning look.

'Now's my chance... keep him distracted, Y/n!'
I reach out for the cloth around his neck.

"Where is he?!" Mind Jack demands.
"He's no-"

Enveloped in a feeling of numbness, my arms drop to my sides.

I can't see.

I can't move.


Denki's POV

Breathing in for a moment, I take a second to line up my shot. I have to stick to Lady Niaka's plan. I hope she found the object...


Springing into action, I leap down from my perch.

In one swift motion, my spotted partner swings her yo-yo forward and pulls the line tight around Mind Jack, his arms now restricted as he shouts and struggles to break free.
"Yoru, the scarf! Quickly!"

"Cataclysm!" I swing my hand out infront of me and grasp the fabric with a grin, the minions that were flooding in to protect their leader suddenly freeze in their tracks. Dissipating into ash, I dust the used-to-be scarf from my hands. As I do so, an onyx and fuchsia butterfly flees.

A slight pull retracts the wire line from around the now regular student as Lady Niaka captures the insect with the yo-yo before releasing a now snow white butterfly  in its place.

"What happened...?" I smile at the general studies student, glad this ordeal is finally over.
"You got a little mad, buddy! Don't worry, everything is fine now."
"Shinsou, right?" My eyes flicker over to Lady Niaka.
"Huh? Oh, yeah." A sense of bitterness seems to lace his words as he brushes himself off and attempts to stand up.

Y/n's POV

Reaching my hand out, I give Shinsou a reassuring smile. "You know, just because some people are 'born lucky', doesn't mean their privilege makes all aspects of their lives easier. Everyone has downfalls... but they also have strengths that can't simply be compared to everyone else. You've set your eye on the top course at UA, huh?"

Pausing for a moment, I laugh lightly to his confusion. "I still think you can get in. Nothing is set in stone, you know? Plus..." I hush my speech to a whisper as he grasps my hand. "I think the entrance exams are too ridged. You'll have chances to show your worth, okay?" Yanking him up, I turn to Yoru and offer a fist bump.
"Pound it?"
He smiles widely, returning the gesture before offering me the nerf gun.

"We should try a nerf battle some time, m'lady."
"Hero work comes first, silly cat." Taking the lucky charm from his grasp, I throw it into the air with a yell of accomplishment. Waves of mystical ladybirds flood the school in waves, restoring anything they touch in a matter of seconds.


Huffing, I push a strand of h/c hair from my face.
"Tachiagaru-chan, wait!"


Pulling the straps of my bag forward, I glance back to the blonde slowly coming to a stop infront of me.

"I wanted to apologise for what happened this morning... it was an accident and I didn't mean to embarrass you. I wanted to make it up to you somehow so I thought maybe I could-"
"It's fine, Kaminari. Sure, it was embarrassing at first..." I feel my cheeks heat up ever so slightly. "But... I did misjudge a bit as well. Momo says you're a nice guy though, and with this apology... I'm starting to believe her." Smiling lightly, I look into his honey eyes, a lightning strike of joy sparking a breathtaking glittering effect.

"Does that mean we can be friends?" A smirk makes its way onto his lips and my heart skips a beat.

"Y-yeah! I mean, when you stop trying to tackle me that is." I mirror his infectious smile as he pushes one of his bangs from his vision.
Thinking quickly, I take a loose pin from my own hair and reach up to collect his straw blonde locks. He jumps a little in suprise, making me question my actions for a moment. "Your hair, it's in your face and-"
"You can pin it up if you want to! I was just a bit shocked, that's all." Letting out a small laugh, I pin his hair to the side.


I jump slightly as I turn to see my father's driver pull into the area. Waving Kaminari goodbye, I make my way over with a small smile on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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