Chapter 10

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"Guess who it issss...Mick, Mick, Mick, it's Beatrice! Surprise Bi***! Anyways, I am sick and tired of holding your little girlfriend hostage. So here is what is going to happen, tomorrow at 4:45 pm, I am going to let you see her for the very last time. I will shoot her, and then myself. I want to die, and I will die a proud woman who won at the end. I am not going to jail. Think of this as me being merciful. Hey, I am letting you see the girl one last time, that's something, huh?" Beatrice said on the other line.

"You're not merciful, you are psychotic and manipulative. I won't let any of you die. I am going to catch you, alive. Your bloody a** will die in prison, how do you like that?" Mick said angrily.

"Demanding, dominating, sexy...Bet you're a real tiger in a sack..." Beatrice said sarcastically.

"Shut.Up." Mick said as he clutched his phone harder.

"Tell you what, you and ONLY you will show up behind your apartment near the dumpsters. I noticed that people don't come around there in the afternoon, mostly in the morning or night to take out the crash. Now if your team is there, I will shoot both Y/n and I right on the spot. You won't get a chance to say bye-bye. I want to give you a little sprinkle of joy, maybe hell, or both, however, you wanna take it, by letting you see the girl one last time. Think of it like this, you get something, I get somethi-"

"What you are getting is a life sentence." Mick cut Beatrice off.

"Let me finish, Rawson. We are both getting something. You get to see Y/n one last time, and I am gonna die a happy woman." Beatrice said.

"Screw you," Mick responded.

"See you tomorrow!" Beatrice said before hanging up.

Mick rushed out of the strip club and opened his car door. He then called Cooper and said,


"Mick it's 12 am, almost 1, have you thought about everything that I told you?" Cooper said in an awfully tired tone.

"Yes, yes, that's besides the point. Beatrice called me. I really need your help." Mick pleaded.

"Now hold on, are you sober right now, or?..."

"Yes! Yes! Man, I had quite some drinks but I know for a fact that she called me and I know what she said!" Mick exclaimed.

" is what we are going to do. All of us are going to meet at the headquarters tomorrow morning. We will discuss more of this tomorrow and take the most appropriate and possible actions. Have a good rest, Mick. I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a long day." Cooper responded.


"Good morning, Prophet. Good morning, Gina." Cooper said.

"Morning, Cooper. Where's Mick?" Prophet asked.

"He should be here any minute." Cooper responded.

"Hello, everyone. Sorry, I am late." Mick said as he rushed in through the door and took off his jacket.

"What's gotten into you?" Gina asked.

Mick opened his mouth to talk but found himself looking at the floor and then at Cooper. Cooper looked back at him, nodded, and then said to everyone,

"Have a seat, guys. What I am about to tell you is going to be heavy. As you all know, Beatrice is still out there." 

"Wait, I thought we weren't working on that case anymore. No disrespect to you, Mick, but-"Prophet said before being cut off.

"I understand. Continue, Coop." Mick said quickly before looking over at Cooper again.

"We have done everything in our power to look for this woman. Even with Penelope's help, Beatrice has been very hard to trace. Fortunately for us, last night, or earlier this morning I should say, Beatrice, called Mick over the phone. Since we have this new key information, the case is now reopened. Mick, what was it that she said?" Cooper asked. 

"She did a lot of chattering. Basically, Beatrice wants me to meet her behind my apartment where the dumpsters are located today at 4:45. She wants me to say goodbye before she kills...before....she..." Mick's lips started to trembled. He put his hand into a fist, squeezed it, and bit his lip in an attempt to not cry until a single tear ran down his face. Mick then huffed, and finished saying,

"Before she kills Y/n and then herself. She said she wants to die a 'proud woman who won at the end.' I don't know what to do, which is why I need all of your help, please." Mick pleaded. 

"We are here for you and Y/n, Mick. Which is why we are all going to catch Beatrice at onc, as a team." Cooper said.

"Oh, she made it very clear that she wants me and only me to meet her behind the apartment building. She will kill Y/n instantly if you guys make your presence known." Mick said as he leaned back in his chair.

"We aren't going to give her what she wants. Here is what we will do; Gina, Prophet, and I will meet her near the dumpsters. I will talk to her. I don't  want you to be near you at all. I would say go home but given the circumstances, that is the worst place to be. I want you to remain in this office the whole time. Relax, get your mind off of things, and know that we are going to put Beatrice in jail. The team and I are going to look more into the case elsewhere."  Cooper said.

"No, I must go out there with you, guys! The bastard has Y/n, I need to see her! I need to see Beatrice get arrested! I can't relax, I just can't!" Mick exclaimed.

"Mick...look at me." Gina got up and went over to Mick, putting her hand gently on his shoulder.

"We wouldn't do anything that wouldn't be the right thing to do. We are going to do everything we can for Y/n, for you, and her family. I promise. Cooper knows what he is saying, just have faith, have hope, because that is all you can do." Gina said in a soft spoken tone as she looked Mick in his watery, red eyes.  

The team patted Mick's shoulder as they walked away and exited the office. Once the door shut and Mick heard no more footsteps, he said to himself,

"No, no there is more that I can do, and absolutely will do." 


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Behind The Rifle (A Mick Rawson x y/n Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now