forty nine

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"are you helping us?"


regulus could keep them like that for as long as he could, and barty wouldn't be able to get out of the bathroom he'd locked him in. he couldn't even open an envelope the previous week at breakfast, so regulus wasn't worried about that.

he dived behind a fence when he got there, as bellatrix was outside with someone at her feet, whoever it was was sitting up again the fence, clearly getting on her nerves because she flicked her wand and then suddenly there was screams of pain. it was sirius, regulus could tell. he pressed his fingertips again the wooden fence and, through his brother's painful screams, he concentrated on keeping her still. he kept his eyes closed in concentration and only opened them when the screams had stopped for a minute or so.

regulus jumped over the fence at that and made sirius jump on fright. regulus only looked at his brother before entering the home, he stood in the foyer of the home and stayed quiet, as to hear any movements from anyone. but, there was none. he spun back around and marched over to sirius, getting him to his feet by the collar of his shirt.

"where are the others?" asked regulus, he didn't try and hide his voice from beneath the mask but he didn't have time for the surprised look on sirius' face, "where are the others?"

"remus isn't here but i don't know where alice and frank are," said sirius with a shaky voice, "regulus, are you helping us or them?"

"where are the other death eaters?" asked regulus, looking over his shoulder, passed the stuck in time bellatrix towards the house.

"i think they took alice and frank," said sirius, leaning against the fence at the true realisation that his friends had been taken, where? he dreaded to know.

"listen to me," said regulus, taking his mask off so he and his brother could look each other in the eye, "when i let her go, you must apparate but wait until she can see you. is this your wand?"

regulus spotted a wand in bellatrix's pocket and slipped it out to show sirius and he nodded. regulus handed the wand back to him, he needed to speed this up, as lily would be going out of her mind back there on her own.

"okay," said regulus, he put his mask back down and jumped back over the fence and waved his hand.

bellatrix, who wouldn't have any recollection of being stopped in time, she looked at sirius who sent the stunning spell her way and gave her the middle finger before he apparated and then regulus done the same back to the other home. he slipped past the four and ran up the stairs to lily who looked just as terrified as she did before.

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