Chapter 67

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They soon returned to work.

"I'd rather stay in bed again," said Klaus dejectedly as Esmeray got up and started to insist that he needed to do the same.

"We've been at it for a week straight," she said, giggling lightly. "It's so much harder to stop when we've both fully tapped into our wolf sides. But Marcel confirmed yesterday that Finn's body disappeared from the morgue, so I need to do a Locator Spell on him and on Freya, who has to have been the one that resurrected him."

"I'd rather give it another go," he said, gesturing to the bed. "What if it didn't work?"

Esmeray's expression became sad. "I... I will take a test soon. I'm thinking the same. Anya made it pretty clear that everything about my physiology went irregular the day of the wedding. My hormone levels changed drastically and there's... a significant chance that we'll need to keep up our efforts for months before we get lucky."

Klaus got to his feet, wrapping the sheets around his waist before going over to pull her into a hug. "Do not grow discouraged, love," he said, regretting having brought up what was clearly a sensitive subject. "The point is that it will work, at some point. Perhaps not this week, or in the next month. But it will happen."

"I feel really... inadequate," she mumbled. "You and Hayley had a one night stand that lasted less than five hours and boom, you got a perfect little girl. We've been trying for a week for nearly the entire day each time and I don't feel different. I should feel different, I should feel an extra magical signal or something and I don't feel anything. What if I can't even get pregnant? I want to give you a child, and—"

"Hold on, love," he said, putting his hand up. "Don't get into that terrible biblical mentality. You are not obligated to give me, or anyone, a child. We decided, together, that we wanted one. As a couple and as co-parents. Do not think yourself inadequate merely because our first round of attempts did not work. It is a team effort and we will do what we must. Both of us wish to parent a child together and it will happen. I know you wish to be a mother and I know it is obnoxious that it cannot happen as quickly for us. I am not normally one to preach about patience, but it must be done. You're a wolf. You can get pregnant, just not right away, and there is nothing wrong with that. Your body is still normal because of it, and I still cherish you the same whether we can or can't have a baby. Even if we never manage to conceive a child, my feelings for you will never go away."

That's what she'd needed to hear, and she let out a quiet sigh before pulling back. "Let me get to my spells, then. Perhaps a bit of magic is what I need to make the right processes kick in."

"Disclaimer," she said about ten minutes later when she was staring in frustration at a map of New Orleans. "Even with the new power, it's going to take a bit longer than expected."

"Why is that?" asked Klaus, peering over her shoulder.

"Freya is thirteen years older than me, so her magic is just a teensy bit stronger than mine. Maybe a bit more than 'teensy' because she's been able to control it for longer. But I will find her."

Klaus's phone began to ring, and he sighed in annoyance. "Elijah," he huffed before going out into the hallway to answer it.

At that moment, Hayley came in, seeing Esmeray wasn't exactly in the middle of a spell, more like, preparing for a different one. "Hey," she said a bit awkwardly. "Can we... talk?"

"What about?" asked Esmeray, looking up at her.

Hayley swallowed hard and sat on the couch across from her. "The Unification Ritual. The whole, married couple thing. I um, mentioned to Jack how I haven't really seen him much. I guess I was so focused with Hope and he was so focused with the wolves that moved in that we... didn't get to chat much. And he mentioned he doesn't want me to feel obligated with anything, so he's been keeping his distance, and I realized that he means... intimacy. He and I haven't... you know."

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