It's nothing son

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Carly's POV

Colton followed me down the stairs and into the kitchen, if he could get in anyone could..
"so can you leave now?"

"We need to talk"

"we are"

He sighed running both his hands through his hair gripping the back before throwing them to his sides.

"Just come to the party with Lauren on Friday?"

"why am I suddenly being invited to all these parties"

"Carly" I jumped at the harsh tone of his voice "i'm sorry just its important"

"fine" I mumbled

"i'll go then" he said pointing his thumb behind him before turning on his heel and walking out of the house.

I've suddenly become a socialite apparently.
I walked to the front room to pick up the house phone and ring Lauren, walking upstairs didn't sound too appealing, maybe because of the open window or maybe just due to the fact that I'm lazy.

The phone rung a few times as I stood fiddling with the curly cord
"hey" Lauren answered in a flat tone

"hey it's me, are you okay?"

"oh yeah i'm fine I've just woke up" her voice perking up 

"are you going to this party on Friday?"

"party? do you mean the movie night?"

"Colton said it was a party?" I asked sounding confused my fingers ceasing from playing with the cord

"Bradley told me.. wait when did you talk to Colton"

"it's a long story" I tried skipping the subject

"babe" she said laughing "I've got all day" she finished in a flat tone "actually i'll just come over"
before I had a chance to reply she had hung up.

I looked at the phone and mimicked her voice whilst saying 'carly do you mind if I come over?' I then proceeded in replying to myself 'of course you can'
'okay carly i'll see you in a moment'
'oh okay Lauren i'll see you in a moment'

The realisation that I was talking to myself hit and I put the phone down jogging out of the kitchen.

Lauren arrived in less than ten minutes sporting a pair of grey jogging and a white jumper. (see picture)

"so you're talking to Bradley again then?"


"why do you think people have started talking to me?"

"they've always talked to you Carly you've just never realised it"

I sighed walking into the kitchen, Lauren following close behind.

"you're always sighing" she laughed

"and you're always laughing"

she laughed "true"

We settled at the round wooden table
"what do you think this Friday is about?"

"i don't know but everyone is going apparently" she shrugged


"yeah you know all of them"

"i don't"

"well you will know this Friday"

"fair enough, tea?"

"ah go on then you've twisted my rubber arm" she laughed as I set about boiling the kettle


Colton's POV

"this Friday is very important Colton, she will have to know who she is" my father spoke as he looked over the papers in front of him

"why is it my responsibility?" I said frowning

"because you're future alpha of this pack and despite her mothers protests she still needs to know" my father spoke seriously

"what about Tyler, why cant he tell her?"

"because he is not alpha and he already has a mate in another pack meaning the business of this one is nothing to do with him" his voice raising

"dad what's wrong"

"an elder sensed something" he ran his hands through his air looking up at the ceiling


"nothing, Colton don't worry about it" he looked from the ceiling to me "its probably nothing son" he got up walking to the other side of the kitchen grabbing a cup of coffee before patting me on the back and leaving.

I don't know who he was trying to convince, me or him.



Chloe x

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