The Arrival

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He wasn't sure how long he had been on his ship sailing across the ocean,but he did know he had a mission.A mission to successfully retrieve his emperors desire.His mind had been a bit fuzzy from the smell of seawater and sun beating down on him making it hard to see the ocean in front.He's not the type to whine about such pointless things, he has a mission.Bakugou always completes his missions.
He wouldn't say he's scared of his emperor,but...he sure doesn't want to be on his bad side either.It's a waste of time and does no good even if he does disagree.So, that's why he is on this mission.His emperor promises a little less than half of the money and well...Bakugou is about to loose his home if he doesn't pay up.
Soon enough he sees a form of an island far within the ocean and changes corse by adjusting the sail.He really hopes he won't be here long.Sleeping in a tent in the rain and chances of it getting flooded is not what he wants to deal with.Let alone all of the animals that could pounce on him in the middle of the night and frankly he doesn't want to deal with that either.
As the island begins to grow bigger he jumps down onto the front of the boat to get a better view.This place is huge,how am I supposed to find a damn flower in all of this! His thoughts were interrupted as his boat hits the sand sending him stumbling forward.
       "Fuck!"he shrieks as he stands up adjusting his hat.He runs to the side to lower his ladder and takes a look at the water.The sun shining down on it makes forms of crystals dancing along the waves.It's clear and beautiful that he can even see the fish swimming around.
Bakugou runs below deck to collect his things and stops when he sees a picture of his mother.Damn hag probably worried about me and shit.I hope the food I left will keep her alive for now.He shakes his mother from his mind and returns to the ladder.
He climbs down and his feet hit the sand with a thud.He walks up more on the beach and pulls out his map looking for a place to set up camp.Birds chirping and the sound of waves pooling into his ears is somewhat calming compared to back in his hometown.It's always so busy,loud,and crowded and fuck he hated that.
Maybe the change of scenery will help his mind to think clearer and find this fucking flower sooner.
He starts his way into the green before him while sinking into the sand with every step.The fresh smell of plants and water accompanying him as he takes glances to his map.The sun would be setting soon and he needed to find a place to camp fast,but the sound of a crunch to his left made his head spin in a flash.He squints his eyes to maybe see better but nothing moves.Probably some animal or shit,but he wasn't going to stay and find out.He trudges forward for about an hour and by that time it was dark.
He sets up camp in a gap between two trees and starts a fire.Sitting down on the nearest log he pulls out his camera to take a picture.His mother loved when he would bring back pictures of places he went and this place was the most beautiful out of all.He takes a picture of his camp and pulls it out from the bottom sitting both the picture and camera in the tent.Returning to the log he looks up to the sky to see beautiful stars.He always loved fascinating stuff such as the stars but his emperor always had him cooped up in a office or going places that couldn't see sights quite like this.
He could sit there the whole night and admire them,but he was so tired.Maybe another night when he wasn't going to pass out from exhaustion.Returning to his tent he settles down under the blankets and soon enough, fell asleep.

Waking up to the sun shining in his face was definitely annoying.Everything is annoying to Bakugou.He isn't exactly a morning person and   it puts him in a bad mood.Well...he is always in a bad mood, not just the mornings.The smell of the canned food he opened was definitely not something he wanted to have in his body.No way in hell I'm eating this shit.I'll get my own food,I swear they are trying to kill me.Bakugou cooks a lot back home and he's excellent at it,he would never eat such disgusting food nor serve it.So,he peels him self from the covers,changes into his clothes, and sets off to find breakfast.
He steps outside of the tent and begins walking until he finds anything that looks like food.Taking a deep breath in allowing the aroma surrounding him to enter his body refreshes and calms his nerves a bit from the food incident.
A loud crunch-similar to the one he heard before-occurs to his right.Alright this is starting to piss me off.What does this thing want?!
He quickly turns to the left avoiding where the sound came from and begins walking again with a bit more speed.He looks behind him to see if anything is following him.Maybe it left.Good fucking riddance.
Once he turned his head back around to the front of him he stops dead in his tracks.Big red eyes exactly like his staring right back at him.But...upside down?Bakugou leaps back and pulls out his sword.
As he did he got a better look at the person.Hanging upside down from the tree limb,shirtless, with a confused look is a red headed man.
"Who are you?" the red head asks raising one eyebrow.
"I don't have to say shit.And why are you following me around?!"Bakugou yells pointing his sword at him.
The red head takes a second to process his question and then a big toothy grin appears across his face.
"I live here!I'm the protector of this island.I've been getting a lot of complaints about you so I came to see what was up,"he says jumping down from the limb and standing up full height.This guys huge.He has at least 6 inches on me.Bakugou's eyes trail his body and stops at his broad shoulders and muscles.He looks...good.His thoughts were interrupted when the red head gets into his face.
He raises his sword to his neck and glares at him.
"Get the fuck out of my face right now before I slice that neck of yours,"he says raising it a bit higher for emphasis.
"Sorry, I've just never seen someone that looks like me before,"he says raising his hands in surrender as he takes a step back.
He said he was the protecter and that he lives here so maybe he knows where the flower is.Maybe this wouldn't be so difficult after all.
"You know you don't have to stay in that small...whatever that is,"he says gesturing behind him to where his tent was,"you could stay in the tree with us!"the red head exclaimed.
"And why would I go with you?I don't even know you dip shit,"Bakugou snaps back.
"Oh sorry I forgot to say my name!Kirishima,"he says stepping closer once more,"and you are again?"
Bakugou takes a step back and thinks for a minute.If I stick with him he'll probably help me find this damn flower.He seems god damn annoying but...
"Bakugou,"he says putting his sword away," and who's 'us'?"
"Follow me!I'll show you them,"Kirishima says as he turns around and Bakugou follows with a grunt.
AAAAAAA THIS IS MY FIRST FIC EVER I HOPE THIS WAS GOOD! i'll start on chapter 2 tomorrow i'm sorry if this is bad LWJDWKSJ but listening to the tarzan soundtrack will really set the mood!

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