Chapter Fifty-Four

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Chapter Fifty-Four - An Incoming Attack


I sighed as I watched everyone begin to pull up to the house, Alice fluttering in and out of the rooms happily as she made a final run-through of the house before everyone entered into the house.

"Don't forget to change, everyone!" She yelled, looking at us all as she rushed past us. "Changing doesn't just mean changing your pants and shoes people! I want to see a whole new outfit on your body the next time I see you! I mean it!"

After we had all, some more reluctantly than others, changed, we made our way back to the living room, watching as more and more cars drove and parked outside of the house. Each passenger got out and walked closer to the house with wide eyes, talking to their friends in whispers, sharing their wonder of the impressive house.

"Did we at least lock all the bedrooms?" I irritably ask, not wanting to walk in on anything later in the night. Theo just chuckled as he pressed a kiss to the back of my head.

"Already did it," he said, "the only keys to the room are in our pockets. So they would have to work pretty hard to get into them, not that they would want to..."

I sigh as I nodded my head, dragging Theo away and towards a secluded corner of the room, not wanting to party like the rest of the family.

Edward was pushed to the dance floor with Bella by Alice, who nodded at them before dragging Jasper to the dance floor as well. The two of them danced away in their own world for a while before they left, going to a different part of the party. Leaving Edward and Bella to awkwardly dance in the center of the room, both of them teasing each other about their dancing.

After a few more minutes, I scrunched up my nose, the disgusting smell of wet dogs having just entered the house. I shared a knowing look with Theo and we both sighed, sitting back further in our chairs, not wanting to deal with Jacob and his pack of mutts.

"Did you have fun today?" Theo asked, looking down at me, a small smile tugging the corners of his lips up. I chuckled as I shifted slightly in my chair, pulling my legs up and resting them on his lap, sighing when he started to trace his fingertips up and down my legs. The feeling made shivers run up my body. 

"If you think helping Alice decorate is fun, then yeah, sure," I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes. Both of us let out little laughs, thinking back to just a few hours ago, Alice bossing us all around the house, her mind in peak planning mode.

"She may be short, but she sure is fisty," Theo laughed. I smiled as I nodded along with him.


"Family meeting outside," Carlisle had stopped from his brisk walk and looked over at us with a grave expression on his normally relaxed face.

Understanding the obvious severity of the situation, we both nodded as we swiftly made our way to the outside deck that had been cleared of people. Esme, Bella, Jasper, Edward, on one side while Jacob, and his band mutts stood across from them, the confusion clear on their faces as well. As soon as we stepped onto the deck, Theo pressed a kiss to the top of my head before immediately concealing himself away in a dark corner, listening in but not wanting to be seen by the wolves.

Emmett and Rose stepped out onto the deck a few seconds after us, with Carlisle stepping behind them and shutting the door behind him, ensuring no prying ears listened into our conversation.

"Does someone want to explain what's going on?" Jacob asks, his eyes scanning each of our faces.

"They'll be here in four days," Alice explained.

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