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"how was your christmas break?"


whilst he done his own magical research, regulus' cousin, bellatrix, gave him occlumency lessons every wednesday and sunday afternoons. it was easier than he thought it was going to be and he usually thought about sirius or james to ensure he was capable of it, and when bellatrix grinned proudly when she couldn't enter his mind, he knew he had achieved the skill.

bellatrix said it was incase dumbledore tried to see his thoughts, he could close his mind off and not allow him to. regulus wasn't sure so if dumbledore did know legilimens but he agreed with his cousin that he was better safe then sorry.

regulus was back in school after the eventful christmas break and he'd never felt happier now he was back with summer. she was wearing her new school trousers and on many occasions as they walked through the corridors, she ordered him forward so she could strut down the corridor so he could see how good they look. he humoured her every time she done it, knowing she was excited about them and didn't have the heart to burst her bubble and say that were just trousers.

the two of them were appointed head girl and head boy, much like last year, they were picked from the same house. it was strange for regulus, to be in james' old room that was now his. it was actually really difficult at times because anytime they were together, they were here or over the hill and by the lake to look up at the stars, james could now spot the regulus star easily. unbeknownst to regulus, james looked at the star every night it was visible.

the bed was the same, the windowsill they'd shared their first kiss on was the same, it was all the same and that's what made regulus so uncomfortable here because he missed the simplicity of that time. it didn't feel simple and easy at the time, but in hindsight, telling sirius was a walk in the park compared to this.

regulus thought about the glimpse he had caught of james that evening when he returned lily and dorcas' their wands. he felt the exact same towards him, he sort of expected to feel awkward but indifferent if he ever saw james again but it wasn't that at all. he still wanted him, he would've kissed him then and there if he could. he wondered if lily and sirius had told james about what regulus had done, he hoped they had because then, perhaps james would feel differently towards him and remain in love.

however, until that happened, as there was no guarantee that james would ever change his mind, he was going to continue with being who he is now. calculated, ruthless and powerful. he liked that, he liked knowing that he was almost unstoppable with his magical abilities. who was going to stand in his way? sirius wasn't, james wasn't, his parents weren't.

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