The Beginning of Chaos

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"No, you can't do that!" I heard the muffled shouts of BBH outside of my window. I turned away from the clothing I was sewing together once again, and walked to the windows, drawing back the curtains. Outside stood Bad, Sam, and Sapnap.

"Dude, do you not see what it's doing to you? To this land?" Sapnap said. "You'll thank us later."

"No!" Bad yelled.

I quickly fastened my armor and sheathed my sword before running downstairs. I pushed the massive iron door open, only to see that they were all gone. Where did they go? I thought about what Sapnap had said.

Do you not see what it's doing to you?

The egg. That's where they were going. I rushed down to the excavation site, not even thinking to sanitize before entering. I didn't care. Bad was in trouble.  I rushed around the corner, nearly tripping on a blood vine. I looked up to see that the egg had expanded tremendously. The vines were nearly to the entrance of the trophy room. Standing in front of the core, was Bad, clad in full netherite armor, sword raised in front of his eyes in a defensive stance.

"I won't let you kill it." Bad said, in a dangerously low tone I had never heard him use.

Sam and Sapnap stood below him, surrounded by sprawls of crimson colored vines. They were fighting over the egg. What was I supposed to do? I was neutral here, as I had stated before. This wasn't my fight.

"Then we will just have to kill you too." Sam said.

Never mind. It's my fight.

I ran across the plane of stone and vines. Ahead, I saw Sam and Bad clashing swords. Bad was good, but admittedly, Sam was better. I had to help. I approached the unfolding seen, feeling the temperature increase as I neared towards the egg.

Suddenly, I felt a jerk against my stomach, as an arm wrapped around me and jerked me backwards. A sword was pressed against my throat.

"You can't kill me." I said, laughing.

"I didn't plan on it." Sapnap said. He spun me around, and shoved me to the ground. His hair was a mop of deep black, and his face was covered in sweat and scrapes. His skin was light toned, and his eyes were filled with fiery determination.

"But I'll have you know." He said, his sword now pointed towards me, who was sprawled on the ground. "That Dream has told me enough about you, so that if I really wanted to, I could kill you."

"Oh has he now?" I said. I studied his sword, no sign of any sword of wither effects or enchantment. I leaned my head to the left to see Bad and Sam. Bad had been forced off of his height advantage, and was showing signs of exhaustion. He was going to lose. I turned back to Sapnap, who was studying me. Why does everyone do that?

"I thought you were neutral in this fight." Sapnap said.

"That was before you threatened my friends life." I said.

"Friend?" He said, smiling. "That's it?"

What the fuck is he on about? I found the heat rising to my cheeks in anger, but Sapnap took it as me being flustered, and laughed. In the corner of my eye, I could see Bad, pinned against the wall of the room, desperately trying to use his own sword to evade Sam's. I had to move, now.

In one swift movement, I reached my right hand out, gripping the hilt of my sword, and deflecting Sapnap's sword. It was easy, since he too was distracted watching Sam and Bad. The force on his wrist from my defense caused him to refocus his attention on me, surprised. I was already on my feet though. He raised his sword to strike, and I easily deflected it. Our swords locked, metal clashing against metal. What happened next was simple muscle memory from years of training. I turned my wrist inward, forcing Sapnap into an uncomfortable position, where he was forced to release his sword. It was the same manouver I had done on Wilbur so long ago at L'Manberg, demonstrating to Tommy and Tubbo. Sapnap looked to his sword, and back to me. I kicked him backwards. The force of the kick made him stumble back, and trip on the bundles of blood vines around him. He was now the one laying helplessly.

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