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"I don't like this feeling..."


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Classes were a boring as usual. Thankfully we only had two remaining, and time went by pretty quickly. I told Michiko to head to the dorms and not wait for me, because I wanted to head on to the library and study for our upcoming tests.

"What? Why do you need to study? Aren't you like, in the top three? If anything, I'm the one who needs to study," Michiko huffed and I giggled lightly.

"Yeah, but these good grades don't just come easily, I work for them," I smiled at her. She scoffed. "Whatever. Come over to my dorm when you're done though. We need to talk about the spiky- haired guy from 2A," she smirked.

"Mich, get out of here before I strangle you," I said, pushing her in the direction of the dorms. We parted ways and I headed up to the library.

THIRD POV- Michiko's perspective

As she was heading back to the dorms, she saw the friend group of five, including the ash- blonde, going the same way as her. She ran to catch up with them.

"Hey!" she shouted, waving her hand to catch their attention. They all stopped to turn around to wait for her, except for Bakugo of course. He just ignored her and kept moving. Michiko saw this and huffed.

"You like my best friend, don't you," Michiko asked as she reached the group. He immediately stopped walking. Michiko smirked at this.

"Ah, so you do?" she continued. He still didn't say anything, and the friends kept still listening into the conversation.

"If you wanna know more about her, I'm free to tell you anything. She's single, by the way. She's also currently in the library studying for our upcoming tests, so if you wanna see her after school, she'll be there for quite some time," Michiko finished, and headed to the dorms.


The four friends just stared at her as she walked away, trying to process the information she had just bestowed upon them. Bakugo also had not moved an inch from where he was standing, he just seemed to be deep in thought.

"She didn't even get to tell us her name. Y/n does seem nice though," Kaminari started, trying to relieve the squad from the awkward tension. "Yeah," Kirishima replied, "But what's Bakugo gonna do now. Hey man, are you gonna go to the library or what?"

Bakugo huffed and continued to walk. The squad stole glances at each other, but soon followed after him.

As the friend group of five made it back to the dorms, Bakugo immediately went into his room and slammed the door. He threw his backpack on the floor and sat on his bed with his arms over his head, thinking.

"Who was that girl? And why did I freeze like a little bitch when she was talking to me?" he asked himself. He frowned. It was still quite early, but the clouds started to look gloomy, like it was about to rain. Bakugo sat up.

"I'm going to start doing my homework. I don't care about that extra. She means nothing to me," he said, trying to convince himself to try to get her off his mind.

Bakugo couldn't concentrate though. From how many times he tried to do his math equations, his mind just kept falling back to her enticing eyes, shiny hair, perfect smile. He felt his stomach flutter and he growled.

"I don't like this feeling..."

Suddenly, there was a clap of thunder outside, which helped carry him out of his thoughts. He remembered what Michiko said to him when they were heading out to the dorms.

"She's also currently in the library studying for our upcoming tests..."

Bakugo's eyes widen. "Does she have an umbrella? How will she go back to- wait, why do I even care?" He grumbled, shaking his head. He sighed and attempted to continue his homework.

He just couldn't though. He had to know if she was okay, and if she was at least able to make it back to the dorms. He growled again.

"Just this once. I'm not doing this ever again." He looked outside the window and saw it had already started raining. Raindrops pattered down softly on his window as they continued to pour down.

He got up, put on a warm enough jacket and grabbed his umbrella, and rushed downstairs. As he approached the common room, he saw his four friends sitting there, watching tv and horsing around. As they saw him approach them with his gear, they snickered.

"Hey dude, where you going off to? Are you going to see Y/n?" Sero teased, dragging the last syllable of her name as the others continued to laugh.

"SHUT UP WILL YOU!" Bakugo screamed, as he rushed out and headed to the library. He ran and ran till he approached the library door and opened them quietly. He sighed when he saw her, still sitting there and reading your notes.

"Well, I came all this way. Might as well wait and see what she does next," he said quietly, and headed for a seat that wasn't too far away from her, but close enough to monitor her movements. Time continued to pass, but it was still raining outside.


Ah, finally. I was able to cover enough topics for today. The study session was very productive. I sighed with content, and look outside. Woah, I didn't even know it was raining! I huffed, packed up my books, and began to head to the exit.

It was raining hard. Thankfully I have a water- based quirk. I continued to walk in the rain, feeling the water run through my body slowly. My clothes became drenched, but I didn't mind. If any random person would have seen this, they would have thought I was crazy. I smiled at the thought.

Suddenly, the water stopped coming down.

I look up and see I was under an umbrella? But how? I turn to see the source.

It was him.

Bakugo was already staring down at me with those gleaming red eyes. His eyebrows furrowed. "Are you crazy? Why would you walk in the rain like that? You're going to get sick!" he yelled at me. I just smiled.

"It's fine really, I enjoy it," I replied softly, looking at the drops glisten in the dull light. I glance back at him, but he's looking at me with a curious look. I continue.

"My quirk is water- based. I can manipulate and bend it to my will." I decide to give him a demonstration, and stopped the rain from moving. Completely.

His face was full of shock. He slowly removed the umbrella from our heads, and looked around. He was mesmerized. I giggle slightly, and let the rain continue falling down.

"Even if my clothes get wet, I'm able to remove it from my clothes and make them dry again. Plus, I really like water," I finish. He just stared at me.

As we kept on walking in silence under the umbrella, he looked like he wanted to say something to me, but nothing came out of his mouth. His cheeks were glowing a light pink, which I assumed was due to the cold. Soon after, we reached the 2C dorms.

"Thank you so much for walking with me Bakugo. I really appreciate it. I'll repay you the favor sometime," I smiled softly, waved at him, and headed back to the dorms.

However, from the corner of my eye, I could see him still staring at me with his pink cheeks. I giggle and walk through the doors, shutting them quietly.



Damn. I already broke my promise for daily updates.... SORRY! I will try my best though. I hope you all like this chapter even though I feel like it's kinda crap. As always, don't forget to give me feedback, as well as voting and recommending! Thank you so much my loves, I appreciate it a lot.

Stay safe lovelies!


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