After school (a bit 18+)

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“Don’t worry baby..” he whispered in her ear and kissed her again, soothing over the marks he left on her. “I just can’t wait until we get home but I’m going to just for you..” he kissed her cheek then let her down gently.

She blushed more before fixing her uniform and giving him a soft little kiss on his neck "I know you don't really have patience but I promised once everyone is asleep you could do anything you want" she said taking his hand and walking back to class at this point she didn't really care if the girls and everyone saw or not she was his fiance but of course she couldn't say that but she could always go by his girlfriend.

He grumbled something to himself then sat her in her seat then went to his just as the next bell run for math to start. The class went pretty smoothly, Hatsuharu had threw Irana a few stupid and unrelated notes, snickering each time one hit her desk.

Irana eventually got irritated and tried to ignore every note he threw at her of course taking notes and paying attention in class even though she already learned this kind of stuff, eventually she got tired and finally grabbed his stupid note and decided to read it just in case it was anything important of course she doubted but better safe than sorry.

“You two had some fun. What pretty hickeys!” He signed a goofy smiley face in the corner and then he began whispering loud enough for her to hear. “Kyo and Irana sitting in a tree..K I S S I N G..!” He snickered and then was jabbed in the side of his head by a pencil. Kyo was glaring at him harshly, anger rolling off him and his cat ears pointing straight up without him noticing.

Irana looked at Kyo and signaling him his ears are out before throwing a pencil at Hatsuharu, and right after class she gave Hatsuharu a head start in running "okay I'm sorry babe, I have to go Kill an idiot right now but I'll wait for you" she said not realizing she said that out loud but she ran after him quickly catching up to him and taking him to the ground

"Ah!" He cried out as he was brought to the ground, his eyes going wide as he looked fore Tohru and Kyo, The two already halfway down the hall to the entrance to the school, talking about something else. "Are yo serious!? Irana, 'm sorry! Don't do anything rash!"

"Oh don't worry about it I'll just kill you later.. but can you do something for me? Quickly get downstairs and wait for me where the window is I want to jump down from the window and you better catch me" she said smiling before standing by the window she wanted to jump from

"eh!" He quickly scattered off the floor and ran out the building and underneath the window she was gonna jump from. "What the hell are you doing now?!" Kyo yelled, looking up to where he was looking. "Irana!? What the hell are you doing up there!?" Tohru yelled out in shock and scared. "He can't catch you!?"

"I'll kill him if he doesn't" she said smiling before walking back and taking a deep breath and ran towards the opening window jumping out but by accident she ran to far forth and she knew Hatsuharu wouldn't be able to catch her so she threw her bag to land next to Tohru and she did a flip in the air before landing her on the ground a few inches in front of Kyo, Tohru and Hatsuharu, it was like something straight out of a movie and she just grabbed her bag "anyways let go home" she said like nothing happened just now.

Kyo and Hatsuharu stood there frozen for a few seconds, their eyes going wide before Kyo slapped Haru on the chest. "Cut it out!" Tohru clapped and helped her smooth out her skirt. "That was so cool! I give it a 10!" She giggled and began the walk home, Kyo going to Irana and grabbing her hand. "I actually can't believed you did that.." Hatsuharu said softly

"Huh? It's so easy but the stupid Idiot wind blowing it was annoying" she said smiling, when they got home Shigure told them Yuki was much better as Irana ran upstairs "Yuki you're better!" She said smiling before hugging him

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