Addressing Feedback

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Hi everyone, I'm going to start off by saying- writers can't please everybody. I noticed a lot of comments on my book that were negative, but of course, I saw the positive ones too. I am here to address all feedback in a positive manner.

I'm disappointed that not everybody loved the ending to the book, but of course I can't change those opinions. I do feel that it was rushed ending as well. The problem with this, is that a lot of fans don't seem to understand that I had no motivation to finish this. I literally wrote all I could into one chapter to finish it off. I didn't put as much thought into it as I should've, and I'm sorry for that- but to be quite honest, I just really didn't want to continue writing this novel.


Well, I started off writing Living with Agreste to simply grab a fanbase who may be interested in reading my personal book. I spend a lot of time writing my own works that I began to think that writing a fanfiction might grab some attention to the type of writing style that people may be looking for. Overtime, it grew very stressful. I couldn't keep up with the fandom and it was tiring me out and distracting me from other important things.

I know that the ending was rushed, that I understand. But on the other hand...

I'm honestly shocked that people had the nerve to comment some of these things.

Just for the record, when was there slut-shaming in my book? Never once did I intentionally mean to slame "sluts." It was a rumor to add to the plot of the story, not to cause people to blow it out of proportion, but to simply make it more realistic. I am sure that each and every one of you readers have experienced bullying on either (sometimes both) ends. We all know that rumors are a huge thing. I wanted to make it more honest to the given age group of the kids (16+). I warned that there would be mature topics in this book, but I specifically kept it safe for work to allow it to be readable to any age. Though, if anything offended you I am very sorry for that. Again, wasn't my intention so I apologize.

I didn't mean to add "unneccessary shit" either. I wanted to simply make comments and add things into the book that may make it more appealing to individual people. If you truly felt you wasted your time reading this book, then that's fine. But please refrain from commenting things like that on my stories. Feedback is always welcomed, but if you don't have anything somewhat kind to say you shouldn't say it at all. It's not that I'm necessarily "hurt" by these comments, it's more of a shot to my motiviation to continue writing, and that's not fair to do to anyone.

Now, to address positive comments... (always get the negative out of the way first).

I appreciate all the support and love that the majority of my readers have done for me. It makes me happy to know that so many people out there appreciate the potential that this book does and did have. Even though I'm tempted to make rash decisions, such as make a new wattpad or delete this book permanently (because of other things), I want to appreciate those that have been there with me throughout this journey and those who have motivated me to keep writing.

Also, this is not for everyone but... if you have a problem with me or just want to spread hate, please refrain from commenting or reaching out on my social media. I have moved on from the resentment that I once received and do not wish to be a part of that drama anymore. (You know who you are)

If you have any other feedback, do feel free to leave it on this chapter specifically. If you would like to reach out to me privately, consider the previous chapter on this book, or message me directly here on Wattpad. I will get to it when I can.

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