82. Working hard (extra hours)

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Lisa was thinking about Chanel and Kim's industries proposals, both folders were on her desk, and she couldn't help but laugh, the whole experience was surprisingly good, Chanel CEOs were so sure to get Lisa's attention right away, yet she was growing in this company, she felt like in a big family, she actually could propose any project and the directors would listen to her, it wasn't about Jennie working here, it was about feel comfortable with her team, she was really amazed, and the fact Jennie said she would take Mr. James post once he would retire wasn't a surprise, because it was the one an only James that told Lisa he was looking forward to leave the department on her hands, that's why he decided to become his mentor and guide.

Chanel was amazing though, she was enjoying to work with them, but they were a little bit... 'Control Freaks', Sunmi had amazing ideas but if they had a plan already it was hard to change their opinion, and that was kinda frustrating for Sunmi and her, Lisa was doing this to boost Kim's Industries popularity and as a favour to Mrs. Kim and Sunmi, plus she had really nice experiences working with so many different people, and since the first collection was a success well this second one seemed really good as well.

Lisa was sketching some ideas when Jennie came inside "Manobangs working hard huh?," Lisa chuckled "Yeah I had a couple of ideas, about the next campaign, Mr. James said we should try a new approach and I think I'm going on the right path unless they hate it and I had to start again, by the way the designers here are so good, they showed me a part of the project and it looks really cool" Jennie smiled all proud "They are doing their best, I'm proud of everyone here, they already have things ready, there will be a preview in a few weeks, and well aside of all that I came here to ask you something... Lili can we talk?", Lisa nodded "Yeah...of course, here? Or you want to go somewhere else?", Lisa was nervous because she could sense some awkwardness or discomfort on Jennie's voice.

Jennie cleared her throat, she was nervous as well "Here it's ok, I'll just close the door" Lisa nodded and Jennie made sure the door was closed.

She sat down again and started to fidgeting "I'm sorry if I was impulsive days ago when we were with Chanel CEOs, but I want to be clear about this, even if we weren't in a relationship and we were just colleagues, I wouldn't let you go so easily, all this time I have been hiring people and even firing some of them if they don't cover my expectations, so it's natural for me try to protect the ones I trust and specially the ones that are really good, you don't know how many times directors or other people here have been leaving because they get better offers, and we usually let them go, cause we also want loyal people here, if they come and talk to any CEO or director about it we could offer more, of course if their work worths it".

Jennie sighed deeply "Maybe I crossed the limit this time cause... I took this more personal and that wasn't professional, I just want to say you are really talented and people in this fashion industry know about this, since your first campaign here they noticed you, they know James won't leave, he has got many offers before and he always rejected them, so they thought that they could approach you and get you easily, also before I forget about this Chanel proposal got leaked, Chu just called me, in a way is good cause it means they are scared of the good job that you have been doing here, it was probably their idea so if they can't get you, other companies will try, in other words they just want you away from Kim's Corp... And also it means that from now on you will get many invitations for collaborations and even more job offers from other companies, I just want to let you know you can choose what is the best for you, I'm not getting in the middle of your new goals and dreams, I talked with the Big boss and Mr. James about this, they agree with me and we aren't selfish, even if you decide to leave this company... We will always have an open door for you when you decide to come back and I hope if you leave you do decide to come back, Mr. James always have been getting invitations from around the world, and he works in some side independent projects and you can do it as well if you want to, unless you decide to leave here permanently... You are just amazing, your career is just starting and I honestly want the best for you".

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