- 32 The Flashback II

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A/N: part 2 of the flashback😘

"Y/N?" Harry came from the living room.
"Hi Harrrrry." you smiled at him.
"What the hell happened to you?" he asked while he helped Tom lead you into the living room.
"Just the regular." you laughed.
"Why are you still awake?" Tom asked him.
"Couldn't sleep." Harry answered truthfully. "Is she okay?" he whispered to Tom, but you could hear it.
"I'm fine! Do I look not fine to you?" you answered.
"You look beautiful, Y/N." Tom told you quickly before turning to Harry. "Trouble at home. Harrison told me about some stuff."
"I told you, I'm fine. Can't I just party with my friends?"
"You always just go too far, Y/N." Tom replied.
"I think I would know if I go too far." you said while you almost fell, because Tom let you go.
"Let's get you to bed." Tom grabbed you again.
"Goodnight Harry, love you." you blew Harry a kiss.
"Goodnight, love you." he responded with the same worried tone in his voice as Tom.
Tom let you up the stairs which wasn't easy and when you finally got to his room, he let you down on the bed.
He walked towards his closet and grabbed one of his t-shirts.
Tom helped you out of your dress and heels and put you in his shirt.
"Now get some sleep." he told you.
"Lay with me." you begged him as he wanted to walk out of the room. "Please."
"Of course." Tom sighed, got undressed and put on his pajama pants.
He got in the bed with you and starting stroking your hair.
"Thank you." you mumbled.
"No worries, princess, I'm here for you." Tom gave a soft kiss on your forehead before you fell asleep.

"Good morning sunshine." Sam greeted you the next morning when you walked downstairs, still in Toms shirt.
"What time is it?" you groaned and poured yourself a cup of coffee.
"11 am." Harry responded.
"Where's Tom?" you asked.
"Right here, love." Tom appeared from behind you, his hair still wet from the shower. "How do you feel?" he asked.
"Like absolute shit." you took a seat on the kitchen table next to Sam.
"Here take a aspirin." Tom grabbed one and gave it to you with a glass of water.
"Thanks." you sighed and swallowed the aspirin.
You grabbed your phone and saw a new message.


good morning Y/N/N,
last night was very
nice. You're definitely
invited to my next

"I didn't do anything weird last night, right?" you asked a bit panicky.
"Except making out with Cassie, drinking too much and smoking weed, no you didn't do anything weird." Tom replied. You let out a relieved sigh and saw Tom raise his eyebrows at you.
"What? That's not weird." you defended yourself and Toms eyes rolled. "Sam, that's not weird."
"Sounds like you." Sam reacted.


I enjoyed it too. Looking
forward to the next party xo

or we could do
something together?

are you asking me
on a date?

yes :)

I'll think about it

"Are you texting with Mason?" you detected some anger in Toms voice. "How did he even get your number?"
"Calm down, Tommy. He gave me his number and I must have texted him last night or something." you told him.
"I told you, Y/N, do not fuck around with Mason."
"Why not?" you smirked at Tom.
"I'm not jealous of him, if that's what your thinking." Tom responded quickly. "Listen,
Y/N/N, Mason is just like the other boys you dated, he's gonna break your heart." He added with compassion in his tone.
"Tom, I like how you look out for me and I know I don't have the best taste in men, but I can decide who I hang out with or not."
"Don't forget I warned you." Tom replied angry again, before walking out of the house.
"You think he's mad?" you asked Sam.
"I think so, Y/N/N." Sam laughed at you.

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