//Book 1// ~ Who You Really Are

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3rd Person POV

Willow lays in bed, staring at the ceiling above her. She brushes a piece of her messy ponytail hair out of her eyes before sighing and looking at her phone. 216 missed messages/calls. She rolls over in her bed, closing her eyes 

She couldn't sleep. She had tried but it wouldn't work. Her mind was too busy. And this time it wasn't because of the ringing in her mind or her recovering concussion but because her brain kept turning with memories 

Having a photographic memory is great for a lot of things like school, work, phone numbers, directions, etc. But Willow's memory did have a downside: she could remember faces...and she remembers the faces of hurt and betrayal in her friends when they found out who she really was


Knock. Knock. Knock

"Willow?" Alex's voice asks from the other side of the door

Willow looks up at the ceiling, staring into space as her photographic memory takes over and she is taken into a memory 


.......When the group ran through the DEO to get to the badly beaten Supergirl/Kara Danvers, not a single person paid attention to the girl hidden in the shadows who was bleeding green and barely staying conscious.......

"Stay with me, Kara. Stay with me." Alex whispers, starting chest compressions on Supergirl

Moments later after Supergirl is finally stable and Willow has spent the longest time trying not to fall face first down the stairs, someone grabs Willow by the arm and pulls her to the side, pushing the door to a vacant room open. They whip Willow around by her arm and rip her mask off

"Willow?" The person asks....Alex. Alex stands there, shocked at the revelation of who the green telekinetic actually was

Willow's eyes lock onto Alex's and they blur greatly. Her eyes roll into the back of her head and Willow falls limp to the side. Alex, still shocked, makes no attempt to grab Willow, letting the green bloodied girl fall to the ground

"What the hell?" Alex whispers

Moments later, J'onn is busting through the doors with more DEO agents, placing Willow's body on a stretcher and pulling her out of the room and to another medical lab, one away from Supergirl 

As they run through the hallways, J'onn looks to Alex next to him 

"Isn't that--" J'onn starts before Alex cuts him off with a nod 

In the medical lab, the agents put Willow on the medical bed, instantly hooking her up with wires and typing on tablets 

Alex follows numbly behind the agents into the room, watching as the agents work. Alex stares at Willow's body silently as the identity of one of her new friends is now compromised

After a minute or two, Willow is being helped into a sitting position, now conscious but slightly disoriented

"What the hell is Willow Green doing here?" A voice asks from behind 


Knock. Knock. Knock

"Look you...you don't have to answer the door, okay?" Alex tells her through the door. "I just wanted to let you know that Kara is okay now."

Willow breathes out in relief upon hearing this news

"And..." Alex's voice says from the other side and Willow listens. "We don't know how you escaped from the DEO that night and quite frankly I don't really care but...but stay on the DL for a little, okay?" 

Willow Greene // Supergirl //Where stories live. Discover now