Chapter 21: Knives

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"Emmy." I sit with my back to the locked bathroom door and speak through clenched teeth.

"Don't you fucking Emmy me Rocko. Just fucking leave!" I hear heavy footfalls then different footsteps come up to the door. Oddly enough I know its Bane.

"Emmy." I keep my eyes closed tight and try not to sound pitiful.

"I need a cigarettes' Bane. I can't let you in. I just can't." My voice catches and I press my lips tightly together as he stomps away. Then I hear another set of footsteps and I know it's Rain.

"Emmy? Why are you really keeping us out?" My lip trembles as I fight back tears and open my eyes. Yep still there.

"Rain are the kids at mom's?"


"And um can you get Bane and come back with him?" Immediately I hear Bane run down the hallway.


"I'm really angry Bane and..." I look up and see that all of my knife collection are flying in the air and I can't seem to make them drop. "How fast are you? And maybe get a shield or something."

"Emmy don't screw around. Open the door." I bang my fists on the floor and half cry half yell.

"I'm not! I'm pissed on an epic fucking level and I can't make the knives stop flying around!" The door is pushed open a little and several knives escape. There is a yelp and I hear Ax scream.

"THE FUCK?! NO NOT ME! TAKE BANE! TAKE BANE!" I sob and there's a thunk. I hear something break and then Ax screams again. "Fuck this you want me come get me motherfuckers! I'll END you!" I almost chuckle at the fact that my brother is trying to take them on but then I see the knives raise higher as I start to lose control.

"Um...Emmy I think I can help but you need to let me in."

"But Rain."

"Trust me. Open the door. Stay on the floor." I pull back and turn to the door and open it while on my knees. Rain dives in and leaps at me. One hand presses against the back of my head so when I fall backward it doesn't hit the floor and the other grasps my breast as he presses his lips to mine. I kiss him back and slide my hands into his hair he moans then pulls back to look at me. I blink at him and lick his pursed lips before speaking.

"Sorry still mad. Angry sex is hot." He groans and I laugh as Bane yells. I suck in a breath and pull my power back to me. I imagine all the knives are on a string tied to me and I pull them back to me. All the knives fly back into the room and fall to the floor at me feet as I yell. "BANE!" Bane flies into the room as Rain sits up so I can run to Bane. I glance over his person then I see the knife going through his hand. I start to tremble and Bane pulls me into his side.

He pats my head awkwardly as Griff comes in behind him. Bane starts to let me go but I turn to Griff. "I need my first aid kit in the kitchen. Go get it." He raises a brow and turns towards the kitchen as Rain comes up beside me. "Rainy, hand me a towel."

"Em..." I grasp Bane's hand with one of my own as I grab the knife with the other hand.

"Shut up." I pull the knife out and Rain hands me the towel. I cover it and wait for the bleeding to slow before pulling it off and checking the wound. "Can you heal from this soon or will the silver slow it down?"

"Oh I can speak now?" I look up to glare at him. "It'll be a few days." I nod as Griff hands me the kit.

"Griff can..." I glare at him and he shuts up.

"Do I need to disinfect anything?" He shakes his head no when I look back up as Rain hands me a needle and thread. I sew it up and place a bandage on it before my hands start to shake.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't....I've never..." I start to tremble all over as Bane pulls my close and I feel Griff and Rain press in on me from either side and for once I don't panic. I feel safe.


I sit in the yard, soaking in the sun, and playing with the twins. Bam doesn't want to leave my side at first and it takes a talk with Rain, Bane, and Griff for him to calm down. They won't tell me what they said but I have my suspicions. I hear the door shut and turn to see Ax with a phone in one hand and his knife in the other. I narrow my eyes at him as he speaks.

"Rocko." The knife lifts from his hand and I hear a gasp from the phone then they hang up. Bane nudges me and I look at him as Pebbles leaps into my arms.

"You can control it now. You learn fast." I shrug and look down at Pebbles, who hands me the ball then runs across the yard to her brother. I hold my hand out and the ball flies over and circles around her and Bam as they giggle and clap. Bam holds out his hand and I let the ball settle there. He smiles and starts to run over to me as I speak to Bane.

"I need to be mad a little longer. I need them to be gone just a little longer."

"You need to process." Rain speaks from behind me as he settles down and puts his arms around me. I turn to look up at him and smile as Bam calls out.

"FOX!" He comes over to us with Pebbles and stares at Rain. "Peas!" I chuckle and Rain's ear pop up then his tails swishes by my nose. The twins giggle and clap then reach up to rub his ears. I smile and lean back as Griff walks over and stands in front of me. I look up and see the question in his eyes. The unspoken one.

"I'm ok Griff. More than actually. We're all trying. We're going forward. Maybe you can help Dally and I with dinner while Rain and Bane watch the twins. Griff smiles that hot ass smile of his and nods. Rain places his hands on my back and pushes me to a stand and the twins clamber into his lap. Griff reaches out and grasps my hand then leads me inside.

Cooking dinner with Dally and Griff isn't that bad. Some people get in the way when you're trying to work but Griff slices and dices while Dally works on the salad. I'm stirring the sauce when Griff speaks.

"I'm sorry I missed the action." I flush and glance at Dally who's by the refrigerator, oblivious to us. My face flushes

"It's ok I'm sure there will be a repeat tomorrow but no mating, not yet. I have to talk to the kids." My chest pounds even as I say the words but I mean them. I hadn't been afraid before and I'm not now. Holy shit is it hot in here? I stare into Griff's eyes a moment, sharing the hot lusty look before I'm interrupted from my thoughts by Dally.

"Hey Mom, is the dinner done now?" I look over at him and nod not trusting myself to speak. "I'll go get the kids and the guys." Then Dally leaves the room as Griff just continues to stare.

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