Some Hurts Never Heal

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Bright light seemed to burn through my eyelids and I could hear the faint sound of happily chirping birds. Morning... It must be morning. I must be late but late for what I did not know. Was it work, school or some other important appointment? Why are my thoughts so foggy and why am I having such trouble waking up completely? Did I drink the night before and this is the repercussions? Why can't I remember what I'm supposed to do this morning or even what day it is?

"Shelly. Shell"? A soft voice hummed close by.

But I recognized this voice and relief flooded me. "Jensey". I moaned in a voice that didn't quite sound like me. No this voice sounded weak, sick and scared.

" Shhhh Shelly. Relax, the doctor is coming". Jensey said reassuringly.

"But why is a doctor coming?" I asked confused and felt my brows draw together .

Before I got any answers a strange man's voice filled the room and I heard Jensey say with a mix of excitement and panic. "I think she's trying to wake up".

" Good, good. It's been nearly two week's ". The man said sounding happy.

" Two week's what? " I asked in a state of utter confusion.

"Shelly. Shelly, can you open your eye's for me?" The man asked.

" Whats happened to me". I moaned starting to panic.

I felt a gentle hand rub my arm followed by Jensey's voice. "Everything is ok now Shell. Just try to open your eye's" .

I tried to nod my head but it felt extremely heavy and caused me to wince. Still, I pushed the overwhelming dizziness aside and forced my eye's open. At first it was a slight crack as I adjusted to the light but eventually I managed to open them. However everything was a blur and fuzzy. I could make out bodies but not faces. "What's wrong with me?" I asked worried.

" You've been sick for a few week's now and was placed in a medically induced coma and you are slowly waking up. Don't worry, this is normal. Soon the fuzziness and confusion will ware off". The man assured me.

"Sick? How so? With what?" I asked in a rush.

" let's give you time to adjust then we will discuss it. In the meantime would you like some water? " He asked.

Water. I was suddenly very thirsty at the mention of it and my mouth felt dry. I nodded my head yes and felt a rumble in my stomach. "Food too".

Jensey snickered as the man ordered for some broth to be brought to me. "Where am I? The hospital?" I wanted to know .

Silence. Dead silence. "We will discuss it soon. Just focus on waking up for now".

A gnawing feeling panged in my gut. Something wasn't right and I needed answers now. "I want to sit up". I snapped.

" Ok. But slowly".

I felt hands raise me up and pillows being stuffed behind my back. Immediately the dizziness grew and I moaned. After a moment it slacked off and I noticed soreness in my body. "Why am I sore?"

" let's just get some water in you then we will talk". The man stated.

Nothing about this seemed right. "Where are my parent's? If I'm sick shouldn't they be here?" I asked trying to calm my confusion .

"Rest assured. Everything will be fine. Just give yourself time to wake up then all of your questions will be answered" . The man said now with a hint of annoyance.

Deciding to take his advice I cupped my glass of water with both hands and gingerly sipped on it. After a moment the fuzziness begin to fade away and I saw Jensey's face. She smiled but not in her usual goofy manner. Her smile now seemed strained and etched with worry or possibly fear. Splashed across her temple was an old bruise that was now a yellow shade from healing. "Jensey?" I questioned staring at the ugly mark. "What has happened?"

Double Vexation ( A Harper's series. book 11) Where stories live. Discover now