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I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling unblinkingly until my eyes started to water.

When I closed my eyes, two fat drops of tears fell out.

I kept replaying the sound of Noah's rough voice and the softness in his eyes, and the feel of his hand as he touched my face tenderly.

So tender that it surprised me — not because I thought he wasn't capable of it. I knew he was. But because I was the recipient of it.

Turning on my stomach, I reached for the sketch on my desk, gently placing it on the bed so I could look at it. I traced his initials.


It was written haphazardly. His strokes were bold, the lines straight and sharp.

Wasn't there a meaning to a person's handwriting? I wondered what his meant.

When I heard a noise by my window, I nearly shrieked. Eyes wide and ears alert, I stayed in my bed, straining to listen.

Then I heard it again. A soft knock this time.

Quietly, I tiptoed to my window, taking a peek behind the curtain.

Noah was crouched on my window ledge, a small smile on his lips, his eyes midnight blue in the moonlight as they gazed at me.

Then they suddenly flicked down to my lips, and his smile disappeared.

"Can I come in?" he asked, his voice muffled by the closed window.

When I just stood there staring at his beautiful face, he rapped the glass once, waking me out of my stupor.

Okay, real talk: it was already hard to use my brain cells when he was around. It was impossible when he was this close.

Wait a minute. Did he actually


for real

in real life

asked to come in my bedroom?

Oh, boy.

Boy, oh, boy.

My body suddenly felt numb, like silvery ice was streaming inside my veins, making me shiver in a really good way. Unlocking the window, I slid it open and stepped back.

I waited for him to jump inside, but he stayed crouched at my window. His long arms were raised, holding onto the top frame to keep his balance. His head was bowed low.

I gulped.

He looked like I could dip him in chocolate.

Actually, he was the chocolate.

Melted chocolate.

I could be the spoon.

His long legs swung out agilely, and I watched as he unfolded his long lean body, ducking his head as he smoothly jumped inside.

The Boy who Broke the RulesWhere stories live. Discover now