23 - Earth Day

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Tuesday, June 23rd, 9:00 pm

"Ugh!" Atlas yelled in frustration, unable to earthbend.

Today was supposed to be the day where she would figure out how to earthbend - but it turns out, it was harder than Atlas thought. She had ventured just a few minutes away from the cabin and found a large cliff made of rock that would be a good source for bending. At first, the airbender was much more patient with herself, but as time went on, she wanted to smack herself for not being able to earthbend.

Atlas had realized that earthbending was likely going to be the hardest form of bending out of the three that she was trying to learn, simply for the reason that the style was so different from airbending. Airbending was more subtle, more peaceful, in a way. But earthbending had to be faced head-on and with a clear mind; it was more of a confrontation with nature than anything.

Atlas tried once more. "Oh my god!" she yelled to no one in particular, though she was sure Bucky could hear her from the cabin.

"No luck?" she heard a calm voice from behind her say. She jumped in surprise as she heard Bucky speak.

"What do you think?" she said, glaring at him. Atlas wanted so badly to be angry, but just looking at Bucky was brightening up her mood. But only a little.

He didn't want to find her frustration funny, but Bucky chuckled in response, finding Atlas's anger kind of cute. "...Well when you're finished here, I made dinner." Atlas looked surprised at what he said. "You were taking a while, and I was hungry," Bucky reasoned.

"Oh... Thank you," Atlas said, slightly dumbfounded, still surprised that Bucky could cook - possibly.

"Just take your time. Whenever you're ready..."

"I think I'll come back now. I'm probably not gonna get anywhere with this tonight," she said, disappointed that she couldn't figure out earthbending. Atlas had wanted so badly to kick HYDRA's ass with all four elements thanks to what Joel had said to her, but she knew she could still do a pretty good job with three.

Atlas was surprised that Bucky, had in fact, made the both of them dinner. He had been so adamant about helping Atlas with dinner for the last couple of nights; she thought it was sweet. She laughed when she saw that Bucky had made breakfast for dinner, which was something she didn't know she wanted until it was being offered.

Bucky and Atlas sat on the couch together as they had the past two nights for dinner. In the middle of their meal, the sun started to set the and temperature of the cabin started to drop. Atlas shot a ball of fire toward the fireplace which instantly warmed the both of them up. She was surprised at how good the food turned out; she had underestimated Bucky's cooking skills.

Atlas made a joke about Steve as they talked, telling him the story that Natasha told her when they were in Sokovia, and Steve had yelled "Language!" into the comms. They started laughing as they finished their food. Atlas managed to take a sip of water through her laughter and looked over at Bucky after setting both of their plates down. When she looked back at him, he was staring at her.

"...What?" she asked, still smiling. Bucky continues to look at her seriously. As the tone in the room shifted, so did her face from amused to earnest.

"...Thank you," was all that Bucky said to her.

"For what?" Atlas asked, slightly confused.

"For treating me like a normal person."

Atlas chuckled. She was still a little drunk on the laughing fit she had just moments ago. "Why wouldn't I treat you normally?"

"Because we're anything but normal."

Atlas | Avatar!OC x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now