Part 4 Picnic

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You sit on the steps of your apartment as Tooru walks toward you. He extends a hand, you grab it, and he pulls you from the steps. "Hey, Y/n-chan, you ready?" You blush a little as you let go of his hand, putting them both in your pockets, where you also hid a small knife. You are always cautious when you're around people, especially strong looking people. "Hey." You force yourself to respond. You can't think straight for some reason. 'What the hell is wrong with me. Why does my stomach feel twisty? I think I'm gonna puke. Why do I feel the urge to hold him? I want his arms around me. I feel safe with him. What?' You are pulled out of your trance by Tooru. "Y/n-chan? Are you okay?"

"Oh, yes. Why did you call me that? It isn't much better than the other one."

"Well, you didn't like Chibi-Chan, so I changed it. Well, we should be heading to my special place before it gets too dark." He gives a little smile.

He starts to walk down the sidewalk with you following close yet at a distance. You walk for a few minutes, looking at the night version of the city. You walk closer to Tooru once the two of you exit the city, entering a small patch of trees. Your suspicions raise, though. 'Why is he taking me into a forest. God damn it. I knew this was a bad idea. Shit. Is he gonna murder me? Oh god.' Before you can think about it any more, you hear a small rustle in the bushes next to you and get frightened. You jump a little, moving your arms to interlock with Tooru's. He Stiffens for a moment before continuing to walk, his hand now in yours. A small rabbit hops out of the bushes. You let go, apologizing, "Sorry, I didn't really mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything. I just got a little scared." Tooru gives a little giggle, rubbing the back of his neck as he responds, "No, it's fine." The rest of the walk is silent, until you see Tooru stop. You stop too, waiting for his next move. The environment is lovely at this time of day. The beautiful red leaves falling around you, the setting sun reflecting off the lake, and that beautiful candle arrangement around a picnic blanket with food. Wait, WHAT?!? "Here, please, sit." Tooru insists. You sit on the ground and he sits across from you. "Do you like it? I set it up especially for you. I might have done a little bit of internet stalking. Hehe, sorry. I just wanted to know what you liked. So do you like it?" You're completely speechless, "I- wha- wow." Tooru's lips curve into a cute smile as he lets out a little chuckle, "Ha, I think that's a yes." You shift your attention to him as he picks up a small plate of onigiri and takes one off the plate. He hands you the plate and watches as you pick one off the plate and take a bite. "Wow. Did you make this? It's great." You say, covering your rice filled mouth. "Yeah. You really like it? No one ever wants to eat the food I make." Tooru says. You can't believe what you're hearing. "Huh?!? You liar. This is amazing! It's so good!" You exclaim, still with a mouthful. You hear him chuckle as he offers you another onigiri. You both talk about nonsense and eat the amazing food Tooru made while watching the sunset. 'Wow, I still can't believe he made all this. Onigiri, lemonade, a fruit salad. HE EVEN MADE UDON NOODLES!' The two of you eat and talk for what seems like an eternity. When you both finish eating, you clean up and sit on a bench near the lake. The beauty of the moon is shown on the lake's surface like a mirror. "Why did you bring me here? Why do you want to hang out with me?" You look at Tooru. He looks back, his glistening, chocolate spheres staring deep into your soul, "I'm not sure. I feel some sort of connection to you, like an invisible rope that pulls me back to you. You aren't like any of the other people I've met. You didn't like me when we met. You didn't immediately fall head over heels in love with me. That pulls me towards you. I like that about you. You see more than a person's physical beauty." You and Tooru look away from each other and stay silent. You feel your eyelids start to get heavy and your consciousness starts to slip away. You check your phone and realize it's almost 10:00. You put your phone away and lean on Tooru. You feel him stiffen and realize he's nervous. After a few seconds, he slowly starts to relax. You look at the moon and give into the urge of sleep. Tooru looks at you and smiles. He puts his arms around you and pulls you closer to his body. The warmth of his body is comforting to you. He holds you in his arms until he falls asleep, his head resting on yours. "I was meant to be with you. I just- I know we just met and all but," He sighs 

                "I might like you, Y/n L/n."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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