Chapter ten - Picnic panic

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It was the next day and King Karl and Prince George were seated at a round table in the garden under the gazebo. Cookies, flowers, and teacups filled with earl grey lie on the table. George's knights stood behind him. The sun was just starting to set.

"How do you like my kingdom so far?" Karl asked picking up his teacup.

"It's very beautiful and you're people are very nice... well, all except for one, of course."

"I'm still so sorry about that! I promise she will rot in the dungeons for the rest of her life."

"Thanks. Umm, can I ask you a question, Karl?" George propped his elbows on the table and leaned forward.

"Of course, What do you wish to know?" Karl took a sip of his tea.

"Why do you want to marry me?"

Karl choked on his tea and started coughing. "Wh- Why would you ask that? Isn't it obvious? Do you need me to inflate your ego?"

"Just say it, please," George bit his lip.

Well, okay. You're beautiful, every kingdom wants you. So I had to have you. Happy now?"

"So you only want me for my looks, so what happens when I'm old and ugly?" George tilted his head and gave Karl puppy dog eyes.

"W-well, we'll grow to love each other by then. Isn't that what all Kings do? Marry first for your kingdom and then learn to love them?" Karl felt like crumbling under George's beautiful multicolored eyes.

"But isn't your kingdom already super well off? You would be just fine if you married a commender." George pointed out.

"What are you trying to say, George?" Karl was growing worried.

"Come with me," George suddenly stood up and walking around the table, and grabbing Karl's hand. "I have a surprise for you! Bad come with us, Dream and Sapnap stay here." He pulled Karl up and started leading him farther into the garden.

George brought them to an isolated part of the garden. Rose bushes were all around them, and a beautiful cherry blossom tree in the middle. Karl didn't even know this place existed. Under the cherry blossom tree was a picnic blanket and lit candles. Right beside the blanket was a picnic basket with all of Sapnap's favorite foods. All in all, it looked very romantic. George smiled at himself, the plan was working perfectly. Now all he had to do was pretend he was too tired and ask if Sapnap could take his place. Dream should be talking to Sapnap right now to find out if he has a crush on Karl or not.

George took a seat on the blanket. Karl looked in awe. "George, did you do this all for me?"

"I had some of the servants do it for me, technically. But it was my idea." He patted the spot next to him, signifying for Karl to take a seat as well.

"No one's ever done anything like this for me before," Karl was getting tears in his eyes.

"It's really not a big deal." George was starting to get worried, The last thing he wanted was for the King to fall in love with him.

instead of sitting beside George, Karl decided to jump on George and attack him with kisses.

"Karl?! What are you doing?!" George was in full panic mode! The King was kissing him all over his face and then he targeted his lips. This kiss was nothing like the one he shared with Dream. Dream was so gentle with him and always waited for George to make the first move. Karl's kiss was rushed and sloppy. He bit on George's bottom lip causing George to gasp, Karl took this opportunity to slip his tongue in. George wanted to push Karl off, but he couldn't be the one to call off the engagement or his father would literally break his legs! So he fought back tears that threatened to spill out and just allowed the King to make out with him.

Five minutes, Karl had kissed him for five minutes straight before he finally pulled away. George was out of breath, He felt light-headed.

"I'm so happy!" Karl beamed down at him, "Then you were talking at the gazebo, I thought for a second you didn't like me." He giggled, "I'm glad to see that I was wrong."

George's brain wasn't working anymore, all he wanted to do was cry in his bed. How was he going to explain this to Dream? "I- i thought," George was still trying to catch his breath. "I thought you might have l-liked my knight, Sapnap?"

"Oh, I do."

George's head hurt. "Then why did you kiss me?"

"I was thinking of having a threesome marriage, What do you think?"

George wanted to throw up, and that's exactly what he did. "Blaargh."

Bad rushed over, "Are you alright? Your Highness?"

"Eww, George, I just kissed you, why don't you tell me you were sick?"

"Bad, Please take me to my room." George couldn't hide the tears anymore. Bad nodded and picked up George bridal style and started walking back to the temple.

"Feel better soon, George!" Karl called after them.

George cried into Bad's shoulder. He felt so guilty, how could he have let Karl kiss him? Dream was going to hate him!

On their way back to the castle they passed the gazebo where Dream and Sapnap were having a heart to heart. Dream looked up and noticed the Prince sodding into Bad. He quickly got up and made his way over to them. "What happened?" His voice was laced with concern.

Bad looked down at George and whispered "Do you want me to tell him?"

George shook his head "nn-no, just t-take me to m-my room, I... I don't want Dream near me." Even though George was right next to Bad's ear he could barely make out what the prince was saying.

Bad gave a comforting smile and nodded his head. "The Prince is going to bed, and he has asked for only me to stay with him tonight. I'll see you two in the morning." And with that Bad turned away from the concerned Dream and headed once more to the temple.

Dream stood there shocked. What had happened? Why was his Prince crying? Did Karl not like Sapnap? But that can't be it, Sapnap and told him that Karl obviously had a crush on him.  So why was the prince crying? And why didn't he want Dream by his side?

Sapnap spoke up, breaking Dream out of his thoughts, "I'm going to go check on Karl."

Dream looked his friend in the eyes and nodded his head, "Okay." and with that Sapnap left.

Dream was alone. And all he could think about was George. After five minutes of him solely with his thoughts, he decided that he just couldn't take it anymore, he needed to talk to George.

He made his way up the stairs and down the hallway, Bad was standing guard at the bedroom door. "Dream? What are you doing here, you're not allowed to see the prince."

"Bad, please, I need to know if he's okay." Dream pleaded.

"He doesn't want to see you right now." Bad gave him a cold look.

"Then at least tell me what happened."

Bad shook his head, "I can't, he asked me not to tell you. I'm sorry, Dream, you can see him in the morning."

"You'll make sure that he's okay? And make sure he feels loved? He really enjoys hugs and cuddles even if he never says it. Rubbing little circles on his back helps calm him down. And he always forgets to drink water, so you might have to force him. He gets cold in the middle of the night so you'll need to put an extra blanket on him. Oh and he sleeptalks so if you hear random voices in the middle of the night just know that it's probably him. He also hates sleeping in pitch dark so make sure to light one candle. He always forgets to do it and then wakes up in the middle of the night scared. And-"

"Dream, Dream, I'll take care of him, don't worry." Bad gave Dream a quick hug and started shooing him off, "Go to bed, I'll watch him, don't worry."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now scram, you muffin head!"

Dream slowly backed up.

"Go away already!" Bad giggled at him.

Dream turned the corner and let out a long sigh, How was he going to sleep without his prince? The answer was he wouldn't.

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